‘Tax issues, bribery issues, money laundering, conspiracy, extortion, you name it, Joe Biden is implicated in it’ – IOTW Report

‘Tax issues, bribery issues, money laundering, conspiracy, extortion, you name it, Joe Biden is implicated in it’


In the wake of a federal investigation into Hunter Biden, the son of the media’s president-elect, the Justice Department has failed to appoint a special counsel despite the egregious conflict of interest. 

Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, joined Gregg Jarrett on Lou Dobbs Tonight to discuss how, perhaps, the Justice Department is, too, engaged in the conglomerate effort to protect Joe Biden. 

“One hundred percent Bill Barr is wrong in not appointing a special counsel in the hunter Biden case,” Jarrett urged.

“It says very clearly that if there’s a conflict of interest, a special counsel is required,” he added. “Not maybe appointed or, gee, only if you want it on every other Sunday. No, it’s mandatory and I can’t think of a greater conflict of interest than the son of the president being investigated by dad’s justice department. Can you?” 


21 Comments on ‘Tax issues, bribery issues, money laundering, conspiracy, extortion, you name it, Joe Biden is implicated in it’

  1. At this point in history, why are we hoping for a special counsel?

    All they do is bury evidence as they launder funds and run out the clock.

    Justice is in the hands of the commies. How many times does that have to be proven?

    And don’t look to congress, they still haven released the list of ethics breaches WE paid to have disappear! And they are still doing it!

    Congress needs to be audited. Everyone member and each house. Full, independent audit.

  2. “150 million Americans died from guns and another 120 million from COVID-19”
    “JOBS is a three letter word”
    “This is a big fukin deal”
    “Stand up Chuck”
    “You ain’t Black”
    “Lying dog-faced pony soldier”
    “Clap for that, you stupid bastards”
    “You’re full of shit”
    “I don’t work for you”
    “Synonym is my favorite flavor”

  3. Jackass Joe: the angry 47 year FAILure. He is the do Nothing, Blow-Hard, word-botching, stats-fumbling, money-laundering, crayon-eating, window-licking, demented, muttering, stuttering, mumblin, stumblin Jackass Joe who by his own admission is a Gaffe Machine! Here we have an imbecile that not even Karl Childers wants to be associated with who loves to drink, tell off-color dwarf jokes, give dull parties, cheap presents, nothing to charity, can’t count past three and loves playing mumbly-peg with dim-witted quadrupeds whose age shot past his IQ 25 years ago… putting him somewhere between “idiot” and “moron”!

  4. After almost five decades of treading water the only way this moron was going to get ahead was by cheating, stealing and selling country down the river for his own personal gain which included the help from his whole entire family of liars, grifters, cheaters, druggies and pervs.

  5. Hmmm, did Biden ever travel with Epstein? Seems maybe John Roberts did and it is starting to seem possible the Epstein tapes and blackmail material may have made it to white hats hands. We’ll see what happens.

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