Tax Myths – IOTW Report

Tax Myths

 Biden’s says tax increases on the rich will bring in more revenue. I doubt it.

They would lead to lots more accountants finding loopholes … and a lot less productive work.

10 Comments on Tax Myths

  1. MYTHS Biden’s slogans (EMPTY Words)

    Build back better? FAILED !
    Our Best Days Still Lie Ahead. FAILED !
    Make America Moral again? FAILED !
    We can do this. FAILED !

  2. There’s another aspect of Libtards ideas on howto ruin an economy. Inflation up, taxes are up, Venture Capital runs and hides and the big hit shows up when people don’t have any extra cash for discretionary spending. The Obamanation had the same plan. Damn near put every boat and RV manufacturer OB. Harley wasn’t happy either. Essentially they freeze the economy.

  3. “don’t have any extra cash for discretionary spending”
    That’s the way they want it, because they know how to spend your money better than you.
    Your discretionary cash, into their pockets.

  4. A guy I knew back in the 80s said: “Tim, as long as you can sock away $60,000 per year, you’re OK.”
    He also said that when taxes rise, work less.
    He was from Italy (which had excessive taxes at that time) and knew of what he spoke.
    (I could sock away about $600 per year at that time)

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. My son was answering questions for a report at school a couple days ago and the school had him write, “The government raises more money and lowers the deficit by raising taxes.”

    I jumped in and yelled, “LIES!!”

    he came back a little while later and asked what I meant.

    I explained basically this video to him. He didn’t change his report though because it would be marked wrong.

  6. Art Laffer was the economic adviser to Ronald Reagan.
    He created something called “The Laffer Curves”, which estimate the maximum revenue a Govt can obtain by raising taxes.

    The peak revenue is obtained by taxing Corporations at 22% and individual income/wages at 65%. Any further increase in tax rates results in lower revenue.

    So. Laff it up, tax lovers. That’s the math.


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