Taxidermist Turns Dead Cat into a Handbag, Sparks Controversy – IOTW Report

Taxidermist Turns Dead Cat into a Handbag, Sparks Controversy

NO grumpy cat

OC: A one-one-of-a-kind handbag fashioned out of the pelt of a dead cat and featuring the feline’s intact head as part of the decor has sparked quite the debate online after its listing on an online auction site wen viral.

Created by Clare Hobbs, a professional taxidermist from Christchurch, New Zealand, the bizarre accessory is currently for sale at a starting price of $1,400. Described as an expression of Hobbs’ “artistic passions and desire to engineer the surreal, particularly using feral and domestic felines,” the cat bag is certainly not for the faint of heart.


38 Comments on Taxidermist Turns Dead Cat into a Handbag, Sparks Controversy

  1. F*cking Cruella Deville wannabe… Canines and felines are sacred pets, we’ve domesticated them over thousands of years, stuffing them and turning them into handbags is just evil. :[

  2. Anyone besides me remember the book by Simon Bond from 1981 called 101 Uses For A Dead Cat. It was freakin hilarious, my sister In law didn’t think it was funny because of her almost immortal cat Whittie the kitty who lived for nearly 20 years. And my Father in law who ran over the old blind, deaf family cat Spooky on his way to work one morning, oh well. And then there was Chuck Roast (we were making fun of a friend who’s last name was Yost) a cat we were going to give to my brother for his wedding but my roommate ran him over while backing his car up one Sunday morning on his way to church. The tag line for the book was, Since time immemorial mankind has been plagued by the question, “What do you do with a dead cat.”

  3. We dissected cats in my advanced high school biology class. Other classes didn’t get past the earthworms and frogs.
    We had a lot of fun when a substitute teacher got grossed out. At the end of the term we sent her a collection of cat parts wrapped in a pretty package.
    One of our classmates put a cat leg on his cafeteria tray and grossed out the cafeteria dishwasher staff.
    I even took the cat home on the school bus once.

  4. I used to have a buddy who was a bow hunter. He had a quiver which was made used the pelt of a housecat as the outer skin. The head served as a flap which closed it, and the two front paws were part of the harness. From about 6 feet away, it looked like he had a cat hanging from his belt by it’s front paws.

    Freaking hilarious. Especially when we went to the range, and some chick in the next lane saw it and freaked the fuck out.

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