Taxpayers may get stuck with cost of removing an offshore wind farm after Biden admin waives fees – IOTW Report

Taxpayers may get stuck with cost of removing an offshore wind farm after Biden admin waives fees

Due to the Biden administration’s decision to waive financial assurance fees, should Vineyard Wind fail and not fully fund their decommissioning account in a timely manner, the public will likely have to pick up the tab.

6 Comments on Taxpayers may get stuck with cost of removing an offshore wind farm after Biden admin waives fees

    WEDNESDAY, 24 JANUARY 2024, 20:43 AT 8:43 PM


    …the problem with Civil Wars is no one tells you when they start.

    And it’s not like they’re going to give you permission…

  2. Is that before or after we pay for Ukraine, including the politicians salaries, and the 6.5 million invaders per years that have crossed our non existent border? Including their health care and housing. And probably their guns and ammunition. The 6.5 is the CBO’s estimate. Yo can bet it’s much higher than that. Including the terrorist that was threatening the journalists on yesterdays thread here. Yea, the identified him. He was just released from some third world shit hole Mooslem prison for Terrorism. How ironic. Now he’s here. Greg Kelly has that story.

  3. “Green” energy is a scam.
    Always and everywhere.
    You can only sell this bullshit to fools and con-men – the fools support it and the con-men profit from it.

    The taxpayers continue to take it up the ass because they haven’t the guts to say “no” or “Hell NO!” (I know this because I’m a taxpayer)

    Pre-The Retarded Usurper Joey about 50% of us were supporting about 50% of THEM.
    Now (I’m guessing) 35% of us are supporting 65% of THEM (illegal-alien invading rat-people, welfare parasites, Gov’t workers (both State and Federal), foreign wars, bribes, and commitments, UN maggots and “programs,” political skim, &c.) but we will eventually reach a breaking point. Of course, I don’t know when that point will be achieved – and I write “achieved” because this destruction of America is part of a plan – with malice aforethought and maniacal determination.
    Affirmative Action, Quotas, and all that other shit are just putting the onus (and costs) of welfare onto the corporate world which allows a lightening of the Gov’t ledgers – this is how we now have “private” companies loaded down with worthless maggots who cannot be fired or made to work.

    When that breaking point comes, it will be cataclysmic – everything according to plan.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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