TBiden – IOTW Report


One-third of the world’s population is infected with tuberculosis. Thousands of people are entering the country illegally every day. You do the math.

10 Comments on TBiden

  1. The Authorities claim there is no equivalent to Thyphoid Mary, but the truth is no one knows if there are hundreds of people spreading any number of diseases. The Media would cover it up just like they did during the Obama regime. The outbreak that caused paralysis in children was completely hidden from the public.

  2. Also – highly contagious people often have slight or no apparent symptoms. So they spread the disease to many people they encounter for months before anyone knows what they have.

  3. I had a positive TB skin test when I worked at the hospital in Minneapolis back in the 80’s. I was just infected with the bacteria but not an active case. Took 6 months of INH (Isoniazid) and should be ok unless there is a strain impervious to INH. Then, I’m a goner.

    Only good thing is I never have to take another TB test again since it will always be positive with all the INH in my system! 😏


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