Tea Party Endorsement of Mary Taylor in Ohio GOP Gubernatorial Primary a Sign of Growing Momentum – IOTW Report

Tea Party Endorsement of Mary Taylor in Ohio GOP Gubernatorial Primary a Sign of Growing Momentum

Breitbart: The political action committee for the Ohio Tea Party movement’s leading organization endorsed Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor for the GOP nomination for governor of Ohio on Tuesday, a sign that her campaign is picking up momentum.

Five days before the election next Tuesday, May 8, the big question for the 52-year-old Taylor is whether that momentum will be sufficient to close the shrinking gap in the polls that separates her from the front-runner and GOP establishment favorite, 71-year-old State Attorney General Mike DeWine.

The endorsement from the Ohio Citizens PAC comes just two weeks after Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) endorsed Taylor, about the same time an internal poll showed Taylor trailing DeWine by only ten points.

“Ohio Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor’s campaign has released an internal poll that claims she is only 10 points behind Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine in the Republican ace [sic] to be the state’s top executive,” the Journal-News reported on April 17, adding:

Past polls show DeWine, and his running mate, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, had leads ranging between 25 and 30 points since January, and a spokesman for his campaign says that’s still the case.

The one-day survey paid for by the Taylor campaign questioned 1,064 likely Republican voters in the May 8 primary election. It shows DeWine ahead of Taylor 42 percent to 32 percent, and with 26 percent of likely voters still undecided, according to the Taylor campaign.

That internal Taylor campaign poll was conducted before a Breitbart News report on Tuesday that DeWine “agreed to attend a 2006 fundraiser with members of a local mosque that was tightly tied to a militant Egypt-born Islamic cleric.”  read more

7 Comments on Tea Party Endorsement of Mary Taylor in Ohio GOP Gubernatorial Primary a Sign of Growing Momentum

  1. Thats nice but think about all the Tea Party endorsements that were handed out to those that became RINO’s. And which Tea Party? Sorry but I have become a skeptic.

  2. Dewine is the product of the Ohio GOP establishment, he’s been an elected County Prosecutor, state Senator, Congressman, Lt. Governor, US Senator and presently a two term Attorney General. A life long political hack.
    NRA gives him a “C” (a move up from his “F”).
    Taylor an “A”.

    Dewine is a liberal establishment RINO, many consider his voting record in line with democrats.

    I don’t know much about Taylor, but she has my vote, because I know who and what Dewine is.

  3. As a resident of NE O-ho-ho, I’m skeptical of both of these candidates. Not impressed with either one, so it’s gonna be tough when voting day comes around.


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