Teach your kids to not become Ben Sasse – IOTW Report

Teach your kids to not become Ben Sasse


Hot Tub Time Machine is about to get another sequel. But instead of super talented funny men like Rob Corddry and Craig Robinson, the third installment of the franchise will star politicians like Mitt Romney, Larry Hogan, John Kasich and Ben Sasse.

The plot is to return the conservative movement to a super polite group of stiff losers who wait their turn to speak while inspiring no one. Colin Powell approves.

As President Donald Trump fights for America, the beloved cherub-like Sen. Ben Sasse, alleged Republican of Nebraska, fights for the media and the Democrats.

This is not a new problem. Sasse stood up as the Senate’s NeverTrumper all the way back in 2016. When Trump was fighting Hillary Clinton, Sasse was fighting Trump. When Trump was fighting the Obama administration’s Russia hoax, Sasse was fighting Trump. When Trump has fought socialism, Marxism, wokism, Antifa, defund the police, and the entire Big Tech/media industrial complex, across four grueling years, guess where Ben Sasse was when he wasn’t in the hot-tub with Jeff Flake?

Teach your children to never grow up and be Ben Sasse. more

22 Comments on Teach your kids to not become Ben Sasse

  1. Ben Sasse, Don Bacon, Deb Fischer, and Jeff Fortenberry all RINO’s. So they are on the swamp payroll.
    Only Adrian Smith is making a stand for Trump, for America.

  2. Just another spineless member of the surrender caucus. His idea of working for the people is coming out every 6 years to beg for more money to allow him to do nothing for another 6 years but run his gums.
    That’s DC in a nutshell, a bunch of arrogant, useless, criminals who showed their true colors when they all shit their pants when a couple of unarmed protesters broke in to their private club.

  3. They wrote, “The plot is to return the conservative movement to a super polite group of stiff losers…”

    return??? There’s no returning, they’re there right now. Latest example?

    Imagine if the Republicans would have impeached Obama in his last week with the trial scheduled for when he’s out of office. Do you think for 1 frigging second there would be the slightest whiff of acquiesce from the dems. Fuck no, in fact they’d be on the Capital Steps screaming down the Rs.

    I see there some Lady House member with some stones who has introduced Articles of Impeachment against Biden, LEGITIMATE ones I’ll add but where’s the mouth, Jim Jordan or ANY of his House cohorts?

    yeah, practicing their invisible acts again. They made Trump’s presidency a test of resolve and fortitude, the least we can do is the same. But not a chance.

    fucking worthless

  4. Please don’t link this asshole again when he gets up and gives another “lecture” to the Senate on how they’re doing it wrong and disappointing him.

    Nobody cares, Ben, because your actions always belie your strongly-worded words. Seriously, Ben. Can’t you see the whites of their rolling eyes while you’re firing wildly at the ceiling? You’re a dick only Erick Erickson could love.

  5. “One of the few in the history of this country to run for high office talking out of both sides of his mouth at the same time and lying out of both sides.”

    Harry S Truman

  6. Supporting the Republican Party is like supporting michelle obama’s scrotum.


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