Teacher Beheaded for Showing Muhammad Cartoons to Students in France – IOTW Report

Teacher Beheaded for Showing Muhammad Cartoons to Students in France

A middle school history teacher in France was brutally murdered for using Muhammad cartoons during a discussion with students. The teacher shared the cartoons to spur a conversation about freedom of speech as the trial over the Charlie Hebdo Massacre continues. Have the people of France learned their lesson about Islam yet, or will the jihad continue?

12 Comments on Teacher Beheaded for Showing Muhammad Cartoons to Students in France

  1. Well, France has that whole “Freedom of Speech”/”Prohibited Speech” thing.
    Maybe this will clarify the issue.

    That, and it probably isn’t smart to allow stone-age savages to carry knives to school. Or even to attend school. Or be in France.

    From Camus:
    “… a [Frenchman] … had written on his threshold: “Wherever you come from, come in and be welcome.” Who do you think answered the invitation? The [ragheads], who made themselves at home and disemboweled him.”
    (words in brackets have been changed by me for emphasis – in the original “pacifist and libertarian” and “militia” respectively)

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I don’t think we were taught about Islam in school. We were taught that freedom of speech is not something the egos of despots and dictators can handle. Who’s afraid of the truth? Lying, dog faced pony soldiers?

  3. The French people are outraged and demonstrating in huge numbers over this, the government there does not represent the people and will be showing a very different response toward all things Muslim than the people.

    The French government is separate from and does not reflect the French population, it actually works against their best interests.

    A unique situation in the world I’m sure.

    BTW, I saw the pictures of the head posted online, but not the beheading itself. It was a pretty clean and neat job, looked like an actual execution and not a hack job, and I’m wondering how he did it (was it done before or after the teacher was killed). Anyone know?

  4. Gee, the religion of peace that demands tolerance wherever it infests sure isn’t very tolerant. It is not a religion but a political ideology which should not be given any protection under the 1st amendment in the USA. The Euro-weenie gov’ts can do whatever they want and that includes importing more of this to show they’re not racist as they usually do.

  5. …the French USED to get it…

    “Arise, children of the Fatherland
    Our day of glory has arrived
    Against us the bloody flag of tyranny
    is raised; the bloody flag is raised.
    Do you hear, in the countryside
    The roar of those ferocious soldiers?
    They’re coming right into your arms
    To cut the throats of your sons, your comrades!

    To arms, citizens!
    Form your battalions
    Let’s march, let’s march
    That their impure blood
    Should water our fields.”
    -“La Marseillaise” (English translation)

    …this IS the French National Anthem.

    …almost prescient, innit?

    …and look at them now…



    …oh well, it made for a cool moment in “Casablanca”, even if the French DID sit out WWII so Notre Dame wouldn’t get destroyed by the enem…


    …oh, I see.

    …not so good without Americans helping out there, guys, good luck…

  6. Toenex,
    He smoked.
    The Dems would have thrown him off the roof.
    He was a good writer and an astute observer of the human condition.
    I don’t know that he hated God or just didn’t understand that the concept, or idea, of “free will” allows us to do bestial things to one another – and also the allows us to resist those abuses. Existentialists ignore Physics. Existence exists – and that is enough. Cogito, ergo sum. Nothing else need be said. I always get the notion that Camus was pissed about everything – Algeria, Nazis, Vichy, the French collapse and surrender, the duplicity of all politicians, the “unfairness” of the Universe. “The Rebel” is still a powerful work.
    Anyway, I don’t think he fit in with any political party very long.
    Regardless of the longing, the absurdities always rise to the surface.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Just waiting for the Eiffel Tower to be replaced by a minaret any day now and the French gov’t to happily vote to pay for it. Macron will be all smiles as he cuts the ribbon at the dedication.

  8. idolatry in islam is harram , forbidden , punishment death , mo banned any depiction of living things as a crime against allah , nothing by paint , stone or metal , that is why there is no islamic art , only inanimate objects allowed , music by string or wind is forbidden , also chess as only allah can decide check mate ,

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