Teacher Put on Leave After ‘# HitlerYouth’ Tweets About Covington Controversy – IOTW Report

Teacher Put on Leave After ‘# HitlerYouth’ Tweets About Covington Controversy

WFB: A school teacher and union leader in Colorado has been put on leave for calling a Covington Catholic student a member of the Hitler Youth, and a resident who criticized the teacher was escorted from a school board meeting following a heated assembly.

Shortly after the Covington Catholic episode on the National Mall went viral, Douglas County teacher Michelle Grissom tweeted about one of the Covington students.

“His name is [redacted]. His twitter account is closed to non followers so we won’t interfere with his training in the #HitlerYouth,” Michelle Grissom’s tweet read.

While the student does attend Covington Catholic, he was not in attendance with the group that day, according to his father, who tweeted that information back to Grissom.  more

16 Comments on Teacher Put on Leave After ‘# HitlerYouth’ Tweets About Covington Controversy

  1. From what I read elsewhere, that teacher makes $74,000 a year.

    That puts here in a highly vulnerable category that can be held accountable by a lawsuit.

    A course of action I hope the student and his family pursue that course of action, it’s time to start holding the hate mongering left responsible for their life destroying activities and hate filled false claims.

    They would, and do, do the same thing to the conservatives, an effective tactic that keeps them quiet and in the background.

  2. Social media unmasks these Lefty’s stupidity and blind hatefulness.
    No surprise their highest ambition is always some simpleminded government job.

    Yes, about time they get sued into bankruptcy.

    She looks like a candidate for Dr Venkman’s ’top flight job in the food service or domestic hospitality industries”.

  3. Another white progressive will find out how much it costs to virtue signal and be offended on behalf of someone she shouldn’t have. She’ll be waiting a long time for the Pussyhats to intercede on her behalf. Not enough melanin and doesn’t identify as transgender. Too “normal” for the Left to bother with.

    Sweet justice.

  4. Teacher and Union leader is put on leave. BS.
    After the dust settles she will be reinstated after arbitration with full back pay and benefits. It is ultra liberal unionised Colorado, ya know.

  5. 5 years ago my daughter was in this bint’s class. Very long story short she is not a teacher but rather an indoctrination overseer. I actually went in to ask her to justify a punitive grade she gave my daughter. She refused but we did talk and I can tell you from first hand observation she is a true-cool-aide-drinking-believer and she will not be persuaded by silly things like facts.

    I told my daughter that this was 7th grade and any grades she gets this year would have zero effect her GPA in high school. We spent the rest of the year deconstructing this bint’s attempts at indoctrination for family dinner topic of conversation.

    She should be fired.

  6. Of note is that most of the Lying Leftist Media reporting on this emphasizes
    that she said it to the “wrong” (!) student, NOT that this hate-filled, bigotted b!tch said it at all.

  7. Teachers are as far left today as they were 62 years ago. I had hoped that would not be the case. Ike was “Hitler” in 1957! I spent many hours in detention for refuting my progressive teachers. Still graduated in top 10%; would have been top 2% but some teachers downed my grades because I liked Ike. Imagine that! Im sure no liberal would to that today!


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