Teacher threatened with fine for violating Michelle O’s school snack rules – IOTW Report

Teacher threatened with fine for violating Michelle O’s school snack rules

EAG- WILLIAMSON, W.V. – Students and parents are rallying to the defense of a teacher who is accused of violating federal school snack rules.

The Williamson PreK-8 teacher, who was not identified, would give her students “wrapped candy” as a reward for their hard work and good behavior.

Because the practice was an alleged violation of the federal rules championed by first lady Michelle Obama, Mingo County Schools Director of Child Nutrition Kay Maynard “placed a call to officials at the West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) to report the incident,” the Williamson Daily News reports.

Maynard also spoke to Williamson PreK-8 principal Shannon Blackburn, telling him about the possibility of a monetary fine for the teacher.

When news spread, parents and student mobilized, collecting pennies to pay the potential fine on the teacher’s behalf. more

28 Comments on Teacher threatened with fine for violating Michelle O’s school snack rules

  1. I can see this happening in some liberal dipshit paradise like Vermont or Rhode Island, but come on….WEST FUCKING VIRGINIA???? A state that has voted solid red since Jimmy Carter, and this is happening now? Bullshit.

  2. How can it be that such a simple reward has now become such an egregious transgression against mankind? From the look of Moo’s butt, it seems to me that she never backs off the tamale reward behind closed doors. Leave it to her dictates to penalize children for doing well. Would Moo have been a better student had she been offered a broccoli pop in grade school? I think that Hitler would be quite proud of Moo.

  3. The same people who blow a gasket about giving a piece of candy for a reward have no problem giving condoms to 6th graders. How can they live with themselves?

  4. Mooch can get the hell outta my kid’s lives! Why does she think she’s an elected official, to be able to tell my kids what to eat or how I should feed them?!?

    She can f*ck off. Every other pic of her is one of her jamming ‘health food’ like ribs, fries or ice cream down her fat gullet.

  5. “When news spread, parents and student mobilized, collecting pennies to pay the potential fine on the teacher’s behalf”

    I am sorry but this response is exactly why we are losing our country. instead of paying a fine where is the American rebellious spirit and rugged individualism.
    pay the fine?
    tell them to come and try to collect it!

    look up the whiskey rebellion!

  6. This is why I keep a large stash of honey buns, cupcakes, twinkies, cookies, soda and chips. My kids are always starving when they get home from school.

  7. “Mingo County Schools Director of Child Nutrition”? There’s the problem staring everyone in the face. Bureaucracy that is completely out of control. Why is there even a position for “Director of Child Nutrition”? What sort of nonsensical, worthless title is that? The whole nation is suffering from a poor economy, yet the bureaucrats just grow in number, and their sole function is to suck up tax dollars and mess with people in the private sector, the very people who pay the inflated salaries for their bogus, unionized jobs. Most government bureaucrats are not only completely unnecessary, they are harmful to our society and nation. So, a kid can’t have candy or a cupcake at school now because some bureaucrat said so. Wonderful. More tyranny by bureaucracy.

  8. I guess Moochelle doesn’t have to worry about her two spoiled brats so she has to screw with everyone else’s kids:

    Here’s a sampling of the Sidwell school’s “soup of the day”: Borscht, Tuscan white bean, Italian bean and kale, calico wild rice, Thai chicken coconut soup, local butternut squash soup, chilled cucumber and mint soup, and chilled blueberry soup.

    Other delectable lunch items include:

    Crusted tilapia
    Herb roasted chicken
    Strawberries and chevre salad
    Freshly baked muffins
    Pesto cream & garden fresh marinara sauce
    Cheese tortellini
    All natural house-made chicken fingers
    Scallion rice
    Roasted edamame & Shitake mushrooms
    Jicama mango slaw
    BBQ sliders
    Pesto pasta
    All natural rosemary chicken
    Fresh herb risotto
    All natural beef nachos
    Vegetarian stuffed Portobello mushrooms
    Baked lemon herb tilapia
    Arugula, fennel and parmesan salad
    Baked organic French fries
    Baked three-cheese lasagna
    Pepperoni flatbread pizza

    If the items listed above look like they could appear on the menu at a wedding or a five-star restaurant, that’s because the menus are prepared by people that have studied under Sous Chefs.

  9. Brooke, the First Lady isn’t in your or your kids lives. She doesn’t act as an elected official, has no vote in either chamber or any branch, and has not told you or your children what or how to eat.

    To be clear, The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act was passed through the Constitutional legislation process and signed by an elected President.

    Granted, Michelle may have fought for the bill but most any law that’s enacted is sponsored, lobbied, or championed by someone or some company.

    It’s every American’s right to solicit a bill, to use their freedom of speech to sell their wishes to our elected representatives. That doesn’t mean they are acting as an elected official or telling you what to do.

  10. I got the creeps over that broad dropping a dime on such a trivial thing as a teacher giving a “wrapped candy” (lifesaver, mint, gummi bear?) to a kid who did something special. I bet they’re afraid it could escalate into sports trophies or something.
    BTW: Those fancy soups the Obamakids eat at school?
    From a can.

  11. Get in line for your Sasquatch-Approved gruel you goddamn ungrateful Proletariat!

    However, her kids get to have Endangered Species-ka-bobs, lobster tails and Kobe Beef at Sidwell Academy and the White House cafeteria because of Slavery Reparations and white privilege … but mainly because the 0bamas are experienced grifters and criticizing their scam is RAAAAACISM

  12. Come to think of it, I volunteered in the kitchen in elementary school for ‘extra credit’, which meant getting out of gym once a week. Heh.

    One of my duties was to open an industrial size tin of peanut butter (Yes, with a sharp can opener… I could’ve DIED, dont’cha know>)and slather up the bread, put the sandwiches in bags and stick ’em in the huge fridge. Then KP cleaning.

    Can you imagine that nowadays?

  13. Everyone here knows how fond I am of accountability by internet. Well dangit, they took down their facebook page!!! Looks like they may have gotten buried recently. Otherwise:

    Mingo County Schools
    Rt. 2 Box 310
    Williamson, WV 25661
    Phone: (304) 235-3333

    Or just go up the chain to the top… he’s a friendly looking fellow!


  14. “To be clear, The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act was passed through the Constitutional legislation process and signed by an elected President.”

    No, it wasn’t.

    First, the “president” was “elected” by voter fraud – he is not qualified to be president.

    Second, the Constitution does not permit the Federal Government to determine what children eat, how much, how often, or where.

    Third, it passed the Senate by “unanimous voice vote” which was a Harry Reid imbecility foisted upon that body.

  15. Tim, I know of no other way to address your stubborn blind ignorance other than for what it is.

    You state that The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act was not passed through the Constitutional legislation process and signed by an elected President.

    You are actually arguing that it was signed by an unauthorized President. I mean, you really did say that. How incredibly unhinged are you? “Qualified” or “authorized” is not contingent on what some howl-at-the-moon sand ponder from some bigoted hostile web blog renders qualified or authorized. It really really isn’t. Sorry!

    To challenge the Constitutional authority as “telling children what to eat” not only compounds your profound ignorance and abject rhetoric but strays from the reality of the argument. Listen carefully now, no government agency is enforcing anything about what children can or cannot eat-when, where, how, or otherwise. The “law” dictates what schools, from participating states-which receives government funds for their lunches, can and/or cannot serve. It doesn’t prohibit any parents or students from bringing or eating what they want.

    Your third argument is so obviously ignorant of the legislative process, such a non sequitur, so irrelevant of how laws are enacted, that well, well, what the hell are you talking about?

  16. “It doesn’t prohibit any parents or students from bringing or eating what they want. ”

    Well yeah, it does. No cupcakes, no candy, etc. Kids getting notes sent to parents because their lunch had or did not have X item. And then the school says it’s because of 0bamalunch program rules. Are they lying?
    It’s been in the news.

  17. AND Mich IS making the rounds promoting obamalunch, and the media (Including the liberal ones) have been calling it her initiative, or her rules, or her whatever. And that includes saying what they should eat and how they should excercise. Are they lying about that, too?

  18. “I mean, you really did say that.” Did I?

    What means “abject rhetoric?”

    “… such a non sequitur …” How was that statement “out of sequence?”

    “Qualified” and/or “authorized” are determined by the Constitution, not me.

    How is a “law” enforced by the coercive power of the Federal Government distinguishable from a “government agency enforcing [what children eat].”

    Stop the name-calling, the foolish jumbling of words that probably impresses your buddies, and try to form a cogent argument.

  19. OK, the “try to form a coherent argument” indeed made me chuckle,

    Let’s see, Obama is unauthorized because, well, what was that again? Some clap trap about “voter fraud” which you validated in your argument of, uh, oh, well, you really didn’t did you? Excuse me while I pause for a search of coherency. Obviously, may take a while.

    Oh, but wait! If your rebuttal is something like “determined by the Constitution, not me.”, well, I mean, gee wiz, what was I thinking?

    Good save, dumbass!

  20. Even Steven, for you to construe my argument as such, well, I guess I have no choice but to agree with your conclusion.

    That’s as simplistic as I know how to be.

  21. We’ll, thanks Ronald. You obviously have a huge brain. It’s too bad your neurons are all dead. Come back when you grow some new ones. Maybe your prosey rants might make more sense.

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