Teacher union head desperately tries to change subject under MacCallum grilling on indoctrination – IOTW Report

Teacher union head desperately tries to change subject under MacCallum grilling on indoctrination


American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten was getting schooled so badly by Fox News’ Martha MacCallum on why her support for the 1619 Project is misguided at best, that she tried to pull the old switcheroo and shift the debate to the network’s coverage of the 2020 presidential election.

“Oh come on, Randi,” MacCallum shot back, calling her guest out for going off topic.

Weingarten claims critical race theory and the 1619 ‎Project “actually teach ‎a factual version of oppression in ‎America,” and was asked about her support Monday during an appearance on “The Story.”

After noting that some states have banned critical race theory in schools, MacCallum asked, “Do you believe that 1619 is a factual program?”

The union head replied that she was a history teacher and that 1619 was the year that the first slave boat came to the United States, adding: “So that’s a point in history that I think we should be teaching.”

MacCallum denounced her reply as a “very simplistic take” on the topic, before laying out precisely what the left is trying to instill in children. more

7 Comments on Teacher union head desperately tries to change subject under MacCallum grilling on indoctrination

  1. soon when they write the Obit on the Republic, Teacher’s Unions will be the number 1 cause of the mighty downfall of this once great nation. That was systemic and calculated from day 1 to remove God, remove actual learning and DUMB the living shit our of every child put under the care of the Teacher’s Union. From blocking school choice and charters, the Union has succeeded in turning out worthless He/She blockheads who will be the best class of Sheeple ever. Not even sure this is fixable at this stage as the Socialists control 95% of all education.

  2. Why is it that Republicans look like normal people but Democrats are ugly? Democrats have bad hair, bad teeth, bad eyesight, dress like slobs. That ugliness flows from their mind out to the body.

  3. 1776 isn’t as important as 1619?
    How ’bout Freeing the Slaves?
    How ’bout ratifying the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments?
    How ’bout Breaking Baseball’s Color Barrier?
    How ’bout Integrating the Military?
    How ’bout Integrating the Schools?
    How ’bout Equal Opportunity laws?
    How ’bout Affirmative action?
    How ’bout a little credit for trying and making the United States of America the place so desirable that everybody wants to come to for a chance to be successful???
    Put THAT in yer History book bitch!


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