Teacher who flipped out on anti-lockdown protesters is under investigation, placed on leave – IOTW Report

Teacher who flipped out on anti-lockdown protesters is under investigation, placed on leave


Turns out the self-proclaimed teacher who flipped out on anti-lockdown protesters in Bend, Oregon, over the weekend and spewed multiple F-bombs at them wasn’t lying.

She’s indeed a teacher in nearby Jefferson County School District 509-J — and officials there placed her on paid administrative leave while the district investigates the incident, KTVZ-TV reported. more

23 Comments on Teacher who flipped out on anti-lockdown protesters is under investigation, placed on leave

  1. I got a $20 bet that by the end of January it will also come out that she has been banging students. Anyone want the other side of the bet. If I win, just make a double sawbuck contribution to Lin Wood for either the election or Kyle. If you win I will send you a check or make a donation in your name.

  2. “”Our families are dying!” she hollered, her high-pitched voice cracking. ”

    The sad thing is she probably actually believes that, and probably even though she doesn’t know anyone or any family that has died.

    Emotionally disturbed people will latch on to anything and believe it is reality if it fits into their basic attitude about the world.

  3. You can’t get through college and get a teaching certificate if you don’t go all in for group think. Bare minimum you have to fake it.

    When I was in college, I didn’t hang out in the engineering building when I was not in class. I hung out and did my homework and “studying” on the fifth floor where the Masters in Nursing and Early Childhood Education were housed.

  4. The term “flipping out” denigrates people who are called “flip.” ;^)

    JD, in the early 90s while I was completing a degree I had to write a reaction paper to an anti-Reagan pro-gay AIDS book we were forced to read. I sided with conservative values. The prof stated she had “never seen such a reaction”, unhappy as she was with it. I still got an A.

  5. I got the same reaction to my essay on the “Good Riddance Factor.”

    My thesis was that many homicides are not an unmitigated tragedy. Of course the families of the victim suffer loss (in most, but not all, cases), but the tragedy they suffer from is offset by the fact that the victim would more likely than not been responsible for inflicting far more tragedy if they continued to live. So on net, society is better off without them.

    I got a pretty good grade on it, but the prof was reluctant to sign on. I told her I would definitely read and consider a rebuttal. It was promised but it never came. When I graduated she was still revising it.

  6. Don’t be fooled by those “Atta girl” responses. If she’s teaching in Madras, that’s cowboy country and I don’t believe that community looks kindly on that type of behavior. Hopefully, the school board will hear from the locals and she will be on her way back to Eugene soon.

  7. Instead of placing her on leave, it would be better to place her in an asylum.

    She thinks she can win by screaming in the streets, like all the other mental patients.

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