Teachers complain about increasingly violent elementary students – IOTW Report

Teachers complain about increasingly violent elementary students

angry kid

EAG: KENT, Wash. – Union officials are pointing to an increase in teacher injuries inflicted by elementary students as evidence that the Kent School District should hire more help to keep classrooms safe.

The union, which is currently in contract negotiations with the district, helped to organize a protest at tonight’s school board meeting, where teachers will demand that district officials hire more behavior intervention specialists, counselors and other school staff to work with troubled students, the according to the Maple Valley Reporter.

“We have elementary teachers and students that have to evacuate their classroom because of a violent student. more

15 Comments on Teachers complain about increasingly violent elementary students

  1. Adults are so afraid of legal repercussions regarding minors in every aspect these days, that it’s no wonder the little snowflakes push the envelope.

    If the kid comes from a rough household, that’s not a reason to hire someone at the taxpayers expense to soothe the savage spirit. The parent needs to be held accountable, especially if the little beast causes real damage.

  2. At Lazlo Elementary, Junior High, and High Schools the children will empower themselves and validate their choices to achieve a more environmentally friendly carbon footprint, and simultaneously address the childhood obesity problem.
    At my schools all desks will either be treadmill or bicycle style.
    The urchins will either walk or pedal for their entire time at school performing a service for their community by powering the school completely with green human powered energy.
    Producers will be rewarded with breaks and dietary rewards in the form of fast foods, ice cream and soft drinks.
    Non-producers will be rewarded in the form of fiber biscuits and raw vegetables eaten in place while a video of Michelle Obama remonstrates at them about their choices.
    There will be three bathrooms.
    There is only one sport: Treadmill Amperage Contests.
    As a concession to the constant motion of the children at their desks, penmanship will not factor as large as it used to on essays.

  3. that have to evacuate their classroom because of a violent student.

    This is not the real world anymore.

    I get we need to all run around with our hair on fire and send in the robots when someone forgets a backpack at a public venue. However, it’s kids in a classroom. They can move and they are human. If you evacuate and let the wolf run the hen house, the wolf will be back with his friends.

    In prog terms, the classroom is already a safe space. It can be nothing more than a safe space. It shall not be violated. The safe space will always be clear of all things not safe.

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