Teachers’ Unions Make Far-Left Political Agendas Conditional for School Reopening – IOTW Report

Teachers’ Unions Make Far-Left Political Agendas Conditional for School Reopening

Legal Insurrection:
In case there was any question as to how teacher’s unions are responding to our kids being displaced from school… The Durham Association of Educators in North Carolina is using the pandemic school closures as opportunity to make political demands.

Collin Anderson of the Washington Free Beacon reports:

Just days after the Durham Association of Educators (DAE) issued a statement railing against the school district’s reopening plan, Durham Public Schools voted unanimously to hold all classes virtually for at least the first nine weeks of the school year. Included in the DAE statement was a call to adopt a variety of far-left policy goals before holding in-person classes, including Medicare for All and “direct income support regardless of immigration status.”


22 Comments on Teachers’ Unions Make Far-Left Political Agendas Conditional for School Reopening

  1. I once searched online for a graph of gdp growth going back into the 1850’s and i found that the trendline of the rate of growth of gdp has been about the same all the way from as far back as they have been computed in America up through today.

    Iow, the introduction of public schools did nothing at all to make our country more productive economically than it was before public schools. It has added nothing.

  2. And we had some crazy idea about teachers actually educating vs indoctrinating.
    Small-town schools were still pretty good 11 years ago; don’t know about now.

  3. Here in Utah one would expect the Mormons to fight against this. However, the church is going along with the covid hoax so I expect them to also succumb to these demands. Mormons are pussies when it comes to sticking up for individual rights as their leaders have become corrupt.

  4. we need to get up petitions all across the country to refund the taxpayer for the education taxes they impose

    no school busses running, no bus driver’s paid, no big electricity bills, no wear-&-tear or building maintenance (other than ‘essentials’), no janitorial needs, etc.

    arise! revolt! shut the system down! … you have nothing to lose but your chains!

  5. Get your child out of the hands of these abusers.

    KY is ‘virtual’ schooling in the Fall. If you parents are going to be forced to homeschool, take them out of the public system. They get funding by the number of kids in ‘seat’ per a minimum amount of time per day! And funding sources are not just state and local. Every military child dependent in A public school gets extra funds from the feds!! Unenroll you’re child from public school. The more who do it, the less the corrupt public school system gets for ruining your Child’s life.

  6. “we need to get up petitions all across the country to refund the taxpayer for the education taxes they impose”

    the skoo taxes have been 3x higher than my property taxes for the last 4 years

  7. At https://www.utla.net/news/utla-response-false-media-reports-unions-bargaining-platform

    they deny this (first para), not forgetting to blame this “lie” on conservatives, then in the fourth paragraph, make the demand! Defund police and charter schools. I guess because they use different words for the same concept, they think we are too stupid to notice.

    “Since last week, there have been false media reports, fueled by right-wing propagandists, claiming that Los Angeles educators are refusing to return to work until we abolish the police and charter schools. This is incorrect and damaging, and we want to correct the record.

    We are foremost fighting for the health and safety of our school communities. It was the right decision to keep our school campuses closed when the school year starts on August 18 — this action alone will save lives and protect hundreds of thousands of educators, students, and families in the LAUSD community from unsafe exposure to the coronavirus.

    Now we are in bargaining with LAUSD on two critical priorities: the necessary conditions for school sites to reopen and improving crisis distance learning so it works better for everyone — educators, parents and students — and especially for our most vulnerable students. We will keep fighting in bargaining for the appropriate safety conditions that must be in place before a physical return — and we will keep fighting in the streets, City Hall, Sacramento, and Washington, DC, for public needs that are essential for the district to achieve those safety conditions.

    Funding is a critical part of reaching these goals. In our research paper, UTLA identified 12 potential policies that would increase resources to make the safe reopening of schools possible. Defunding police to redirect money to education and public health and a moratorium on allocating school classrooms to charter companies so that public schools have space for safe physical distancing are just two of those policies.”

  8. I try to find the silver lining in this Dempanic shutdown.

    Anecdotally, I hear stories of parents who were forced to help with their children’s education and all of a sudden they are realizing that 6th graders cannot do basic math. Multiplication and division.

    What the hell are they being taught?

    The silver lining is that people were forced to face the reality that the edu system is failing their children.
    A substrata edu system will form and provide a good educational foundation with moral underpinnings and the teachers union extortionists will gradually disappear.
    If Trump has anything to say about it, this disappearance will not be gradual.

  9. Defund the Communists running our schools!
    Why is that a game that only Leftists can play??

    Come to think of it, corporations and citizens should stop paying taxes in these Leftist controlled cities where the mayors are actively supporting, encouraging and enabling the antifa domestic terrorists… and fergit the Federal funding to rebuild. President Trump is fed up with that shit!

  10. You’re right @TRF.

    Trump is already hinting. You don’t open your schools you will not get federal funding. And the people who pay property taxes that primarily confiscate to fund schools are pushing back.

    My county might be the only one in greater Richmond VA that wants to open in the fall. But my county is the only one that is common sense.

  11. Set an opening date. Teachers that don’t show up are fired.

    Would our kids be any worse off? No, most teachers, if they are honest, will admit that last year’s school closures cost most of the students a year of education. We may actually find that we can function without public school teachers.

  12. ^^^^
    Sounds like a good idea, kind of like the airport controllers under Reagan? Boy were they surprised.
    I have watched teachers that were conservative churchgoers slowly turn into leftist.
    You will assimilate if you’re there, and that includes your kids.
    I suspect the teachers don’t want to go back to work cuz they’re getting paid anyhow?

  13. CC, not anymore, during the strike that they want to call a walkout because it’s illegal in this state for teachers to strike, the majority of these small town and even rural school teachers were striking, cussing out parents in person and on social media. Some even attempted to punish kids when they went back whose parents didn’t agree with them striking.
    Teachers were taking kids as young as middle school with them to strike, I guess as a cover to have sex with them. Several were arrested during the strike for having sex with students.
    A really small school in my county had a teacher that was fondling little girls as young as 5th grade up to 8th graders, was sending them dick pics and having them send him nude pics. Some girls went along with it, others resisted and reported it to the principal and counselor. They covered it up, never reported it to the parents or LE and never did anything to him and actually called some of the girls liars.
    It was found out when one of the girls went to their parents who went to LE and through their investigation it all came out.

    Now many of these teachers are on FB and twitter shouting out support for BLM and saying white people in general are racist.

    So even in small town America and rural America in a red state they are nothing but leftist assholes whose only goal is to indoctrinate children and molest them.

    I have no use for teachers anymore, just like I told one who was a good teacher that taught my kids until they stand up and speak out about what goes in school I will look at them all as leftist pedophiles.

  14. NO WORK
    NO PAY

    IF the teachers want to be Politicians
    they should run for office.

    But given their list of demands….
    Who in Liberal-Socialist hell’s names still does not now see the hidden teaching agenda of the N.E.U.?

  15. Public servants should not have collective bargaining,
    Like auto line assemblers, they make too damned much money for the simple skills that the job requires.;
    And they supposedly work for the public, not a for-profit company – BIG difference.


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