Team Clinton: ‘Headspace’ Emails Published by WikiLeaks Are About Her ‘Mood’ – IOTW Report

Team Clinton: ‘Headspace’ Emails Published by WikiLeaks Are About Her ‘Mood’


The dam breaks.

The Clinton campaign is finally responding to queries from reporters about the content of John Podesta’s now public campaign emails released by Wikileaks, after weeks of questioning their authenticity.

Since Wikileaks started releasing Podesta’s emails in early October, the Clinton campaign has repeatedly refused to comment, saying the emails were “stolen” and that campaign officials had no way of knowing whether they were authentic.

But after CNN questioned the campaign about emails referring to Hillary Clinton’s “head”and “headspace,” the campaign responded.

“They are clearly about her frame of mind or her mood,” an unidentified Clinton campaign source replied.

That marks a major milestone for the campaign, suggesting that it realizes the Wikileaks emails are having an effect when left unchallenged.

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12 Comments on Team Clinton: ‘Headspace’ Emails Published by WikiLeaks Are About Her ‘Mood’

  1. Headspace is the area they must keep clear when Hillary is flipping out. It’s the area that her head flops around in when she shorts out. About a 2 foot radius on her good days.

  2. Meaning she’s a vindictive, petty, maniacal tyrant who has the staff living in perpetual fear of her wrath.
    I worked for a guy like that.
    I was a production manager for a live performance venue. My boss was a corporate suit who like the staff to live in fear.
    Hands down, the most satisfying quitting experience I ever had.
    He poked his finger into my chest while on a tirade (thankfully in front of witnesses), I gave him one free poke, then grabbed his finger.
    After it broke, I used it as a Joystick to make him flop around while I delivered my “I’m quitting” monologue.
    I was not sanctioned nor arrested, they gave me his job.

  3. The Wikileaks dump is believable because the contents are completely in sync with the public perception of Hillary’s demeanor and actions. For over two decades now, story after story has come out about Hillary’s ruthlessness, egotism and corruption, and the Wikileaks emails just confirm these stories.

    It is more dangerous for the Clinton staff to spin these emails than either deny them or try to deflect attention by yelling “look – Russian hackers.” In this instance, trying to explain “headspace” comments either means that Hillary went mentally wacko or she is just as mean as a snake as a regular course of conduct. The explanation did nothing to help.

  4. And when they needed to “sober her up”, that was just a “mood” thing, too. I have to say, this is a woman not to be trusted with the Nuclear Ashtray. I mean, Football.

  5. Can’t this vile cunt just die of whatever one of the myriad of lifestyle diseases she has already? Her body sure wants to. She’s a nasty, incompetent, crooked piece of shit, who never has and never will do anyone a damn bit of lasting good.

  6. Unless some reporter actually ties the email comments regarding her “headspace” or mood as they’re trying to spin it with comments they’ve made about the volatile temperament Trump has that makes him unfit for the Presidency I’m not sure this has legs. It’s such an easy question as well with her own staff and loyalists questioning her mental balance.

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