Teamsters Spend Over A Week On Chicago’s Navy Pier Protesting Another Union – IOTW Report

Teamsters Spend Over A Week On Chicago’s Navy Pier Protesting Another Union

Daily Caller: Security guards on Chicago’s iconic Navy Pier agreed to a set of restrictions as they continue to protest plans by a new security contractor to replace them with cheaper labor.

Teamsters Local 727, which represents 43 security, fire and safety officers that work on Navy Pier, filed an unfair labor practice charge against Navy Pier’s management company May 11 and went on strike May 18. The union said that Navy Pier, Inc. (NPI) intimidated the union in its efforts to protect the jobs of its members.

Allied Universal, which took over from a previous contractor in mid-May, refused to recognize the union’s collective bargaining agreement, according to Local 727. “We are astonished at how mean-spirited NPI is toward the Pier’s dedicated public safety employees,” said John Coli Jr., president of Local 727. “After all, people’s livelihoods are at stake here and NPI’s executives refuse to recognize that by hiring another security vendor in the hopes that it won’t honor the current collective bargaining agreement.”

Local 727 is concerned that Allied wants to bring in workers at $13 an hour through Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 1, according to the Chicago Tribune. The Teamsters said it was ironic that the SEIU is leading the fight for $15, but is being used by Allied to lower wages for security guards at the pier.

9 Comments on Teamsters Spend Over A Week On Chicago’s Navy Pier Protesting Another Union

  1. Like I said before, the president of the Teamsters’ Union is Jimmy Hoffa, Jr.


    It couldn’t be more obvious if John Freaking Gotti was the president of the Teamsters’ Union, capiche?

  2. Had the same thing happen in SW Washington state. Something to do with who loaded, unloaded ships at a grain elevator. Got real ugly. In the mean time, union officials are wasting precious dollars on this shit while their pension plans are going underfunded. Jail time. Only a matter of time before they ask us to bail them out.

  3. Actually I’m surprised Rahm didn’t direct the company to hire Chicago’s gang bangers as the new Pier Security. Then he’s take credit for another successful Democrat Youth Employment Program that also brings down murder rate. Of course, robberies are up and tourism might suffer a touch but it’s well worth it.

  4. I was in two different unions in my lifetime. Both were a total waste of time and money. they spent more time and effort making sure that the most useless pieces of shit in the company never got fired, they spent my dues on bribing useless libtard politicians for favors, and giving themselves 6 and 7 figure salaries, and they would have us strike for the most ignorant reasons during contract negotiations.

    Unions may have had a place decades ago, but now they are out dated and bloated organisms that feed off of the members. Fuck unions.

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