Tech Expert Reveals Ga. Voting Machines Connected To Chinese Vendor – IOTW Report

Tech Expert Reveals Ga. Voting Machines Connected To Chinese Vendor


Just days ahead of the Senate runoff elections in Georgia, a tech expert unveiled key vulnerabilities in the peach state’s voting machines.

During a Thursday livestream, inventor Jovan Pulitzer revealed dominion machines set to be used in the key election seem to be connected to a vendor in China.

This followed Pulitzer’s Wednesday testimony before the Georgia Senate Judiciary subcommittee when he demonstrated his ability to connect a dominion voting machine to the internet. This came despite claims by state election officials that the electronic voting machines do not connect to the web. read more

20 Comments on Tech Expert Reveals Ga. Voting Machines Connected To Chinese Vendor

  1. Pesky facts about network based machines: They always leave a trail of who, what and when. Even if that login was for a deletion it will still show that that happened. They find cellular network adapters in these machines… It’s game-set-match. Deep state might get their guy in the white house but that wont stop the truth from coming out. Happy New Year IOTW…


  2. This came despite claims by state election officials that the electronic voting machines do not connect to the web.

    I’m curious. Did he say “web” or “internet”? There are lots more protocols than http/https.

    Of course, that doesn’t alter the fact that the machines should be air gapped.

  3. Does anyone on this site have a good read on this? Articles, data, opinions all over the place.

    My read is we’re fooked. Get used to it.

    Hope I’m wrong.

    Happy 2021. Trump did his best.
    As Moe Tom would say…”fuck this shit”..

  4. Beyond that! The audit that was supposed to happen on the early votes can’t happen now. Fulton county pulled up a tractor trailer with a military grade shredder and the have been shredding the vote records. There are some election officials that need to be tarred and feathered.

  5. Bush run Dominion. bush also runs Deep State! He had Lerner go after conservatives 10 years ago, illegal as hell!
    when Bush is in “Grey Bar”, Dominion will be in Deep Shit and Joe will be out!
    Nothing will happen! Bush in in a citadel built by he and his dad!
    And I will be the new Cesar!

  6. Uncle Al, 9:50 p.m.
    ‘Air gapped’ would be splendid, but I’m thinkin’ unplugged completely, like the old timey cash register… enter ballot info and ‘ka-chunk’, yank the handle.

  7. Dominion is in Toronto.
    Toronto is run by Liberals.
    Chyna has the Liberal party in its pocket. CSIS intel in the 90’s
    ergo; China (and its supporters) Run Dominion

    I figured Torontonians were that stupid to Re-Elect Turdeau (minority) but i have come to believe Our vote was probably stolen as well.

  8. @Outdoorjohn — It was exactly that sort of machine I voted on the first several times. They had a large panel with little levers I’d flip, one for each seat or issue, and a large lever at the bottom that added my votes to the machine’s accumulated tallies and reset the individual little levers.

    Worked great! Could be hacked only with an axe. (-:

  9. It was later because when it was first set up they didn’t have trains or electronic communications. All they had were horses to ride around on so they had to allow a bit more time to take care of business.

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