Technical issues with voting machines force voters to temporarily use paper ballots in Columbia County, Georgia – IOTW Report

Technical issues with voting machines force voters to temporarily use paper ballots in Columbia County, Georgia

By 10 a.m. the voting machines were working again.

9 Comments on Technical issues with voting machines force voters to temporarily use paper ballots in Columbia County, Georgia

  1. And that is one of the ways we start being heard. Take Maxine Waters advice and when you see them let them be uncomfortable. Our biggest problem is our civility. They’ve already labeled us as Nazis and bigots anyway. Especially the media. Disrupt when you can.

  2. Something I noticed about the scanners was that when I went to scan my ballot at the Presidential election, there was a guy at the scanner crowding me and making sure I put the ballot on the scanner in a very particular way, i know he could see who I voted for.

    This time, there was no worker anywhere near the scanner, and the woman collecting cards said it didn’t matter how you put the ballot in the scanner: right side up or down, top first or bottom first, it didn’t matter. Weird.

    I got a totally different vibe at the polls today, compared to the Presidential election. Even though I had no real idea that they would actually steal Georgia when I voted in November, something was not right at the polling place that day. Like the workers knew what was going to happen, and they seemed furtive and jittery. But today, I felt in control and the workers seemed relaxed and friendly.

    Maybe there are some half-hearted attempts at fraud in some places, but I’m feeling like the spotlight and the outrage has backed down the blatant, large-scale fraud. Don’t get me wrong; These people have no shame and will have to be forcefully resisted just to claim rightful victory, and scumbags like Riff Raff, Fuchs Sterling and Kemp are dead weight in the effort who must be bypassed, neutralized and cut loose. But I think we will prevail this time. Maybe even last time, God willing.

  3. Buck up, y’all:

    Perdue up 51-49, 82% counted

    Loeffler up 50-49, 81% counted

    “…expect to see a huge influx of votes for the Democrats early on tonight as mail-in ballots are tabulated, while in-person votes, which skew heavily Republican, trickle in later.”

    It’s later now, y’all. The buffet is closed, Tank.

    Keep your fingers crossed and your powder dry, patriots.

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