Techno Fog: I have an idea of what to do with Liz Cheney – send her to Iraq – IOTW Report

Techno Fog: I have an idea of what to do with Liz Cheney – send her to Iraq

Techno Fog:
Send Liz Cheney Away with the Neo-Con Right.

Send her on a tour of the destructive policies she supports. Let her see the graves of the innocents who were caught between foreign armies and the militias. Show her the destroyed cities still being rebuilt. Let her stand on the foundation of the destroyed home that is gone forever. Walk her over to the graves of the children in the front yard.

Or better yet, if she’s so concerned about Afghanistan, she can send herself.

If she wants the United States to “save face” in Afghanistan by remaining there indefinitely, let her see the costs of that policy. The American servicemen who lose limbs – let Liz Cheney pay for the prosthetics. The Marine who drives on some remote road in a Humvee, thousands of miles from home, praying he doesn’t die – let Liz Cheney take his place.

Remember who Liz Cheney is.

Lost in the effort to remove Cheney from GOP leadership, and its focus on impeachment and January 6, is Liz Cheney’s history.

Let this serve as a reminder.

Liz Cheney fought President Trump’s efforts to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan in the summer of 2020.

Liz Cheney allied with Democrats – even sponsoring an amendment – to prohibit “the expenditure of monies to reduce the number of U.S. troops deployed in Afghanistan below 8,000.”

Liz Cheney used the fraudulent “Russia Bounty” hoax to attack the Trump Administration and argue against troop withdrawals.

8 Comments on Techno Fog: I have an idea of what to do with Liz Cheney – send her to Iraq

  1. I doubt they want her back in Wyoming.

    I assume she’ll stay in D.C., make the rounds at all the networks and badmouth every republican that’s not a RINO or Neocon until her term runs out and she’s primaried or loses her seat in the general. Then she go work for a firm in the defense industry that her daddy help enrich.

  2. Halliburton stock is about Half of what it was in 2016.

    Do you really want her trying for a 3rd War?

    And Joe’s handlers are already looking for excuses to gain favour with Iran.


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