Ted Cruz caught tweeting at the NH Debate – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz caught tweeting at the NH Debate

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24 Comments on Ted Cruz caught tweeting at the NH Debate

  1. Good one. I wish Cruz would point out Carson wasn’t damaged in the least. Not one vote has been determined to have been different. Get over it. The more the story is repeated the more ridiculous it sounds.

  2. Yeah….this video is kinda 3rd grade recess-ish.

    We get it…..you don’t like Cruz, but at least Cruz talks about God and the Constitution.

    I might like Trump more if he did the same. Just sayin’

  3. That’s funny, Fur. And you know, it could be taken both ways — either it ribs Cruz for being too quick on the draw or it ribs voters for taking it too seriously. Good humor sometimes does that.

  4. “Carson wasn’t damaged in the least. Not one vote has been determined to have been different. Get over it.”

    Man, My value system must be really screwed up.

    Good one Pinko and probably not to far from the truth.

  5. Mr. P. — I didn’t know who the author was —

    I went with a neutral comment because I was the first obvious Trumpeter to comment on this thread and I’ve got a regular here who has been dogging my comments in the most crazy way, usually a day after I comment. It’s disturbing.

    My sincere thoughts about the joke is that Cruz deserves being the butt of it. The fish rots from the head. I don’t care if CNN made a mistake or if his campaign managers made a mistake. No one can say that Cruz, Tyler or his down line managers were not looking for an opportunity to dupe voters. They saw a questionable opening and took it. Not cool.

  6. Tsunami, Pinko did

    THIS one, too.

    Because ONLY A “principled, true Conservative” WOULD ACT LIKE THIS, right?!?

    IF Cruz had no part in it, and had later found out, he would have FIRED the sorry a§$es responsible, whether campaign manager or overzealous field peopüle…BUT NOOOO!!! CRUZ DEFENDED THEM AND LIED LIED LIED up to and including at the debate.

    It’s PURE Dick Nixon.
    The coverup is worse than the crime.

  7. I watched the entire debate. In the second half, there were long periods of time (20-30 min.) where he rec’d no questions…there was a question on video related to Mary Katherine Ham’s group (IJR). As I recall, everyone other than Carson & Cruz were asked. Carson broke in B4 they changed subjects to give an opinion. Cruz also wasn’t asked for his definition of what a conservative is. Soooo…he was probably playing an on-line game…so he could stay awake 😉

  8. a Cruz supporter on Twitter:
    “That’s not Ted typing. Notice how close the hands are in the video. Then, compare to the still picture.”
    “Caught you in a fraudulent action, Mr. Pinko.”


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