Ted Cruz challenged on Fox on Immigration – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz challenged on Fox on Immigration


Brett Baier

Mr. Pinko

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22 Comments on Ted Cruz challenged on Fox on Immigration

  1. ..saw the Greta interview….she was really trying to slam Cruz on his ‘poison pill’ amendment that shut down Rubio’s ‘Gang-of-8’ Amnesty Bill…..Cruz must have explained it to her about 8 different ways from Sunday & she still kept yammering that his amendment was FOR amnesty, when it wasn’t.
    She’s either more obtuse than I though, or in the tank for the RINO’s…….the latter, I think.

  2. And she couldn’t stfu long enough for him to explain it. How embarrassing.

    The same assholes who thought this was clever and awesome when it happened are now acting like Cruz was trying to pull something over on the public just so they can throw some weight behind that dumb ass MS-8 Rubio.

  3. What the hell happened to Fox News?? I haven’t watched it in a while but this is a clear departure from a few years ago. I use to respect ole mush-mouthed Greta (I’ll just refer to her as the poor man’s Barbra Walters) but now not so much, she looked like a complete tool.

  4. It was reported about six months ago that Rupert Murdoch retired and gave control to his two sons, both of whom are further left than the old man. They obviously don’t have Rupert’s taste for money over ideology. I hope they run FOX into the ground.

  5. They’re royalists, they want the Bush dynasty to continue for some odd reason, Rubio is second best, Yeb will continue the feeding at the trough that the establishment wants. That’s why they are talking about a brokered convention.

    Aren’t they grooming Yeb’s son? The handsome, young, half Hispanic, half wasp offspring?

    Stop the Monarchists now. ‘Stay out da Bushes!

    That’s a quote from an infamous non Christian preacher!

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