Ted Cruz Denounces Trump’s ‘Rhetoric’ during Riot – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz Denounces Trump’s ‘Rhetoric’ during Riot

Cruz got some pressure from the Texas Democrats who asked him to step down. And just like that, he parroted the squishpublicans and the left and slammed Trump on his way out.

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) — Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who is facing intense calls for his resignation, told ABC13 exclusively that his intent to oppose Joe Biden’s electoral win was based on legality and to fight voter fraud.

In his first interview since the U.S. Capitol was under unprecedented siege by President Donald Trump’s supporters, Cruz also insisted that he did not agree and has never agreed with the sitting president’s rhetoric that fired up the chaos and left four people dead on Wednesday.

“The president’s language and rhetoric often goes too far. I think, yesterday in particular, the president’s language and rhetoric crossed the line and it was reckless. I disagree with it, and I have disagreed with the president’s language and rhetoric for the last four years,” Cruz said.

He continued, “If you looked to what I have said, you will not find me say the same language or rhetoric.” More with video

44 Comments on Ted Cruz Denounces Trump’s ‘Rhetoric’ during Riot

  1. Some people go down with a sinking ship, and some people man the lifeboats before it does so they too don’t go down with it.

    No matter how you look at it, the Trump ship is sinking fast and won’t be afloat much longer no matter what you do.

  2. President Trump’s “rhetoric” during the speech provided detailed information about the methods used to steal the American election. Does Ted Cruz have a problem with the truth?

    No worries Ted, you will not be re-elected, even in Texas. Over the next few years, the Democrats will perfect their voter fraud methods and you will be in the same position as Trump. What “rhetoric” will you use then?

  3. Actually it is Cruz’s ship that sank this week. Trump is a-okay and is going to be an unstoppable force. Has anyone that really supported him dumped him this week? If you so you didn’t support him. I’m going to find a a WE LOVE TRUMP sign and stick it in my yard and I will not be voting for Cruz again here in TX. You want to drive a liberal insane, keep Trump signs up for the next 4 years.

  4. There is but one party, and ultimately, Ted’s in it. Give Hawley some time, MJA. He’ll be there, too, or he’ll get frauded out.

    And when Texas state government GOPers finally roll over to Dominiocrats, say hello to Senator Beto.

  5. Oh no, don’t worry, they’ll all be back with their aprons on and their hot pink dishwashing gloves pulled up to their elbows in February, talking about how they’re going to clean up congress and fight for YOU!
    And then they’re going to fart soap bubbles as they say, “it’s so haaaard. There’s too many democraaaats”.

  6. God separating the wheat from the chaff. He is in control and is going to exposed the goats and remove them from power. A new generation of Believers is coming that will not fold, that will stand with Christ.

  7. All I can say is work on your state legislators to tighten up rules, ban machines, get paper ballots, and get voter ID and match signatures. It’s up to them. Congress can’t order them their vote processes. (Remember?)

    I would go as far as no more mail in votes. Including absentee, unless you are military.

  8. Well, this is getting easier. Which GOP lawmakers can we trust? None of them. Dan Crenshaw should have warned him because he’s getting killed on his social media pages after his bull shit statement yesterday. He’s a special kind of idiot. Any of these asshole that are betraying Trump will pay a heavy price.

  9. A poll I just saw said that 68% of GOP voters did not think “storming the capitol” was a threat to democracy. 48% strongly supported it.
    Independents it was 55% a threat, 45% not a threat.
    The most hilarious part of the poll was democrats who have numerous of times stormed not only the capitol and senate, but state houses, etc. and in some cases refused to leave, loot and burn cities, 97% said it was a threat to democracy.

    I’ve lost count now how many people I’ve seen who have said they changed their registration from Republican to 3rd party. In my state 99% have said they changed to Independent, which we only have 4 choices, Demons, Traitors(formerly known as Republican), Libertarian or Independent.

    Obviously the traitors are pretty confident that the demons will still allow them to win elections, because they sure as heck aren’t on the side of their voters.

    Lyin’ Ted will always be Lyin’ Ted.

  10. Faux Nooz radio blurbs are now playing Lindsey Graham declaring he’ll work with the new AG and is saying that an investigation into the events of the 1/6 will happen. Oh and btw, any amount of investigators and money ARE NO OBJECT.

    The UniParty and the originally scheduled agenda are back in business!

  11. The pols are having a 2-sided problem. They’re more afraid of what happens to them when joe is in and the Blmtifa riots start. They don’t want to be ‘blamed’ for that. But they also know they’re going to lose. So they’re going to take care of the ‘evil evil rioters’ first and when the dust settles, they’ll work on licking voter asses again. *eye roll*

  12. During the presidential primary it because obvious Cruz isn’t a Seinfeld fan, if he is he should revisit the episode where George realizes every decision he has ever made has been wrong and to do the opposite. Ted, whatever your natural instinct, just do the opposite. Chicken salad. Some people might actually like you then.

  13. Lyin’ Ted

    I still have not heard any concession from President Trump. The smooth transition he promised to the new administration could just be the second Trump administration.

    I think he will play the Treason and Declassification cards he’s been holding, and America will be astonished in the next two weeks.

  14. They’re reporting the man arrested with his feet on Pelosi’s desk is Richard Barnett from Gravette, AR. Gravette is less than an hour from me, it would be nearly impossible to find an Antifa guy in Gravette.

  15. BR ^
    Hope so, don’t know nothing. I think that’s why they need him out 2 weeks before the 20th. They are freaking out.
    What ever is going to happen has started rolling before today.
    Buckle up.

  16. MJA, legislators here in Georgia all switched from Democrat to Republican twenty years ago when the state flipped to red. They’re all in the process of switching back in hopes of staying out from under the Tank. No way they’re going to raise a peep about election reform.

  17. Thirdtwin, that happened in our state as well, but we’re getting closer every day to cleaning them out, of course term limits helped.

    Red states need to start seceding pretty damn quick, they arrested a WV Republican legislator for entering the capitol. Funny, they can’t ever arrest leftists or solve any crimes or even investigate Hunter’s laptop, but in record time they’re arresting conservative Americans.

    Also just saw they’re raiding the offices of some Republican Tennessee lawmakers. When they’re done with the Americans that came to D.C. and the Republican states’ lawmakers, they’ll be moving on to the rest of us.

  18. Dammit to Hell. I was proud of him yesterday. Today he stinks like a pile of boar dung.

    Pols are always sniffing the wind to see which way it blows. If it blows in a completely different direction tomorrow, off they go. It’s been happening this entire week like never before.

    Their biblical hero must be Judas.


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