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70 Comments on TED CRUZ is FOR Eminent Domain!
Some see a difference between grabbing an old woman’s property to add a parking lot to a failing casino versus justly compensating land owners for a secure border. And some don’t….
What Biff said.
Some see giving an old lady an offer she shouldn’t have refused, & actually taking it
… your move….
OK, if your gonna do shit like this, I am not gonna hold my tongue anymore.
Mr. Pinko, you are an asshole for clipping out of context snippets of different politicians statements.
You are abusing you power here at iOTWr by actively denigrating one candidate with selectively editing clips and doing the same to promote your favored candidate.
Now, I openly say, I WILL NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP! EVER!!!! You are lying when you are saying you like and will vote for Cruz. How can you? You spend most of your time here telling us what a liar he is? You even went so far as citing CNN, Politifact, and WaPo as evidence Cruz sucks! You are no better than Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, Debbie Wasserman Schultz!
I am at the point that I am going to do my best to tell folks how one sided iOTWr has become!
You bomb every thread with your pro Trump bullshit. I am tired of it!
You are abusing this site and the conservatives that come here.
Just fucking stop it!!!!
loyal iOTW reader, commentator, contributor since 2009.
maybe it’s time to quit.
Eminent Domain is allowed for in the Constitution. It should be justly applied and property owners should be justly compensated. I have no problem with that. If you don’t like it, get a constitutional amendment. However, Kelo was unjust. That is a problem with the Supreme Court, not the constitution. Or Ted Cruz. Or Donald Trump.
Do whatever it takes to build the damn wall and secure the border in every other way necessary.
@ Biff
#1 – Vera Coking was NOT an old lady at the time Trump wanted her property.
TRUMP OFFERED WAY OVER what the property was worth. He NEVER got the property. The ad put out by Cruz LIED.
The woman ended up selling the property years later for way less than what she was offered by Guccione and Trump. Vera Coking had her right NOT to sell her property for ANY PRICE but she just made BAD BUSINESS decisions.
READ THE WHOLE STORY HERE – argue with FACTS – not LYING Cruz ads –
Cruz is FOR Eminent Domain #hypocrite
What Tony R said times a hundred.
Hey Menderman – do you see me blowing a gasket when there are PRO – Cruz posts here? There are THREE Cruz supporters on staff. And there is me – ONE Trump supporter. iotw is FAR FROM ONE SIDED, in fact it is one of the FAIREST political web sites out there. I’m not about to be BULLIED into shutting up so you can have a Utopian pro-Cruz site. STOP taking my support for TRUMP so PERSONALLY. I’m not directing posts to you and I’m not about to change my stance for YOU. You want to quit because of ONE guy on the staff you don’t agree with? YOU are not being FAIR.
I heard you – you’re not voting for Trump. Guess what? I’M VOTING FOR TRUMP.
Here’s a tip – save yourself some heartache – SKIP MY POSTS and COMMENTS!
(P.S. – I’m editing this ONE comment so it does not become the Pinko / Menderman show going back and forth. You want to debate the issues – fine. I’m not here for a PERSONAL pissing match. )
That;s not right, or fair. I have the opposite view as you on Trump and Cruz. No big secret. But most of the time I feel it’s the Trump supporters getting run over. Maybe you should take some time and review a couple weeks worth of posts here.
Yes, I am being fair. You are taking out of context snippets without links to the original context to openly promote a candidate. You are making iOTWr look like a Trump site.
You selectively edit videos and post them here to promote your opinion.
I don’t have the keys to the site, so all I can do is call you out on it, and the worse you get, the worse I’ll get.
You are blatantly posting propaganda. The other 2 are not. Your claim that I am being unfair is ridiculous!
what happened to the reply option ? hold on while I pop some corn !!!! This shit is gonna get good
Keystone Pipeline sounds like private ownership to me.
Cruz is for Eminent Domain for the Keystone Pipeline too.
I don’t think anyone disagrees with use of eminent domain for appropriate, constitutionally-sound purposes. This post can only be explained by deceit or ignorance. I find that sad and damaging to the blog. The only reason Trump didn’t get the property he wanted is because he lost in court. If we’ve come to the point that we’re defending private-use land-grabs from old ladies, we might as well elect Bernie Sanders. He doesn’t believe in property rights either.
Cruz is for the Constitution…..period.
You have a problem with Eminent Domain being in the Constitution? Do you have a problem with a candidate standing by the Constitution as written?
Lobby to change it, possibly through the Convention of States.
Cheap shot, out of context clips won’t change the Constitution.
But that wasn’t your point was it?
and Mr. Pinko, do I need to start doing screen grabs of your posts? You edit them faster that Trump changes positions.
You have power I don’t have, and you are abusing it! You have changed your response to me at least 3 times. Mine remains as I posted it, and I stand by what I have said!
and you edited your post again!!!!!
must be nice!
Stick with your original!
“I don’t think anyone disagrees with use of eminent domain for appropriate, constitutionally-sound purposes.”
I disagree. I HATE Eminent Domain for ANYTHING. The government shouldn’t be allowed to TAKE ANY PRIVATE PROPERTY under ANY CIRCUMSTANCE!
I HATE Trump’s stance on Eminent Domain and I hate Cruz’s stance USING the Constitution for Eminent Domain. My point is THEY BOTH SUCK ON IT canceling each other out on that issue.
My #1 issue – Immigration and Border – Trump wins that argument for me. Give the NON-Politician the shot at GETTING SOMETHING DONE! NO MORE POLITICIAN’S BULLSHIT for me.
Old Saint Trump was just trying to do that little old lady a favor and take that worthless piece of property off her hands. Isn’t that was Eminent Domain is intended for since he was trying to make her wealthy? Ok, maybe while making himself even more wealthy, but that should be fine, right?
Just wait until Saint Trump is President. He will promise a Casino in every town and if it means you lose your house, hey he will give you fair market value or at least what he thinks is fair market value.
And when he is done there you just wait until you see that shiny new wall down south, with its speedy turnstiles to allow the daily influx of migrant workers for Trump’s many casinos and businesses. It will be glorious because he will put so many to work from at least one side of that border.
And then when he is done there he will work out a deal with China to bring the Yen in line with the dollar, so that those nasty old dollars won’t cost so much anymore, but hey trade with China will be glorious, at least for Trump.
And then, well enough spoilers, you just wait. Trump is going to make America Great, at least for him and his cronies. Hope you are one so that you get in on this glorious future…..
So NOW Menderman quits, after costing us our “Reply” button in exchange for whatever feature he thought was a good idea (I forget what it was right now)?!!
P.S. – I’m just kidding, Menderman – I know you meant well.
So which is better? The government just taking your land and giving you “fair value” or a guy who’s trying to get your property and offering you way more than the government EVER would?
I think EVERYONE should have the RIGHT to REFUSE ANY OFFER and not get their land taken away from them.
The WHOLE VERA COKING story here –
I’m not quitting until Pinko is fired!!!!!
As I have said 19 trillion times, spending is my number one issue. Cut off the flow of money, and that wall will keep the invaders here!
And Mr. Pinko, you know I love you, but really, quit editing your comments!
That is entirely unfair!
Woody, Saint Trump? Really. Cruz can’t stop lying and cheating. There’s another story breaking today FROM TEXAS no less. And you won’t to throw out Saint Trump? Wow, good thing Jim Jones isn’t around. You’d be on your second glass of Kool Aid
Well, at least I didn’t break Reagan’s 11th commandment nor Buckley’s rule.
I am sorry Bad_Brad, did my post interrupt your daily dose of Saint Trump’s Holy Water?
I was only trying to emulate the many Trump supporters and their slavish following of a man who can change his positions any time and his followers will cheerfully accept it. He can be completely left-wing for years, then one day change to being somewhat conservative and hey he means it this time.
I just figured I would try joining this mass to see what it was like to be a devout follower of Saint Trump. He is the one and only true outsider who is completely self funded (even if it through personal loans he intends to see are repaid to himself later). He is beholden to no special interest (of course that is because he is a special interest). And he would never emulate Mother Superior Clinton and sell influence once in office (at least not through the front door).
Once elected the Whitehouse will be known as the Trumpthedral where the holy mass of the deal will take place each and every day. The rituals of kissing the ring of Saint Trump and saying the holy pleas for Trumpsgiving will be enforced.
It truly will be a glorious age in American when it is again Great at least for Saint Trump and his disciples.
Yea that’s right, let’s not talk ill of them but let’s lie and manipulate votes. I’ll vote Rubio before I vote Cruz. But make no mistake if Cruz is the last guy standing I will vote for him. I have no respect.
At this point in American politics – I’ll take a non-politician’s promises over a politician’s promises.
You can call me whatever you want. I won’t be a Charlie Brown Voter anymore.
Woody, no need to apologize. I understand how you’ve gotten sucked in and can no longer look at the issues logically. Maybe on Wednesday we can get you some sort of intervention.
This is ugly and isn’t what I come to IOTW for.
I could do that too
I am sorry Woody, did my post interrupt your daily dose of Saint Cruz’s Holy Water?
I was only trying to emulate the many Cruz supporters and their slavish following of a man who can change his positions any time and his followers will cheerfully accept it. He can be completely constitutional for years, then one day ignore the Constitution to get to the White House.
I just figured I would try joining this mass to see what it was like to be a devout follower of Saint Cruz. He is the one and only true outsider who lies about his loans (even if it through personal loans he intends to see are repaid to himself later). He is beholden to Goldman Sachs. And he would never emulate Mother Superior Clinton and sell influence once in office (at least not through the front door).
Once elected the Whitehouse will be known as the Cruzthedral where the holy mass of Special Interests Groups and donors get their bidding. The rituals of kissing the ring of Saint Cruz and saying the holy pleas for Cruzgiving will be enforced.
It truly will be a glorious age in American when it is again Great at least for Saint Cruz and his cronies.
LIE, CHEAT, however – the end justifies the means.
Christian Conservative values be damned.
I agree with Menderman.
I will try to make this comment safe for all Trump supporters, but I will be accused of Trump bashing anyway. It’s happened before and I don’t want to argue. I’ve given my opinion about how I feel about Ted Cruz a few times and have been told it wasn’t good enough; that I needed more proof or data to back up my opinion.
Then I posted one essay where I compared the people of Minnesota’s response to Jesse Ventura’s candidacy for governor to Trump supporter’s reaction to his presidential candidacy. It wasn’t meant as a negative. I happily voted for Jesse for the same reasons people want to vote for Trump. That was supposed to be the comparison. I never said once that Trump would end up being like Jesse when he crashed and burned, but some took it that way. I dropped it after trying to explain myself for a while.
I haven’t posted much about Cruz except for items of interest. I posted this video today to show someone who commented several days ago that Cruz hasn’t said anything about wanting to build a wall. When I saw this, I thought that maybe he would want to see this. I said NOTHING about Trump. I never will. I’m not posting stories to tell you what to think.
This one thing positive about Cruz, and you take it to pounce on it to grind him down to show how much better Trump is. Cruz said the use of eminent domain is in the constitution for national security. You know that Kelo was about giving someone’s land to a private entity to make money.
Now, my comments regarding a post are not Trump-bashing, either. Sometimes I wish I could really tell you what I think, but you have cowered me into just giving up. I support people who say positive things about Cruz, but never denigrate Trump. I ignore the Cruz bashing because I know you don’t want to hear my opinion.
So, I guess this means that I’m relegated to the fluff pieces that everyone agrees with and my critter posts.
Maybe things will change after the conventions. We’ll see.
As my ending thought for the night, I have this to say.
MR. Pinko has said many a time that Trump is his FU candidate.
I’m not interested in revenge, I am interested to returning to a constitutional democratic republic.
“He can be completely constitutional for years, then one day ignore the Constitution to get to the White House”
Excellent observation. So how’s he justify jumping to religion while being such a lying piece of shit? Just sayen.
Ahh Anonymous, Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!!! Thank you for the compliment. Maybe someday you to can come up with your own original thought, but for now copying me is just fine….
Thanks !!
OMG! Safe places at IOTWR!
Trigger warnings can’t be far behind.
tee-hee 😉
Woody, way to respond when your getting your butt kicked.
This is a nothing burger.
Quote Cruz out of context using sound bites to cover Trump on the issue.
Get real!
Building a border fence would require use of eminent domain no matter who instigated it.
Is there a difference between building border security and a shopping mall or casino?
Inquiring minds want to know.
I’m not voting for any Lawyer
You be right. Fuck them.
Cruz is not getting quoted out of context – the whole video is there with my right for editorial comment.
Cruz is FOR Eminent Domain FOR the Keystone Pipeline and a BORDER WALL.
My point in the whole thing – the Eminent Domain issue is now a WASH between Cruz and Trump. They’re both for it in some form or other. I have a problem with BOTH candidates on it.
I lean Trump because of his VERY STRONG STANCE on Immigration and the WALL! And he’s a NOT a politician. I want to see Trump put his money where his mouth is with a WALL and Immigration enforcement. Don’t want to get bullshitted by a politican anymore!
And thus ends the cat fight. For the nonce. Tune in again tomorrow, folks, for the next chapter in the continuing saga of “Trumpers vs. Cruzers – how IOTWR commenters can significantly alter the 2016 Presidential election and change the world”…
I actually took 25 minutes out of my life to RESEARCH the Trump Atlantic City widow thing. It is not as it is being portrayed by most, including Cruz. I read a half dozen old articles, here is the boiled down stuff:
Turns out Trump wasn’t a creep at all. The local redevelopment committee were the main ones going after the widow woman, Trump partnered with them after the widow refused when he offered her a price lower than HER asking price of $1 mil. He had an obligation to try to secure the lot to complete the project he had brought.
He came up to HER asking price after the E domain fell through, and she said “no”, then doubled her asking. She had done the SAME thing to the Penthouse mag guy who first tried to buy her house 12 years earlier. (It really wasn’t even a house – it was a low income rooming house.) Then after a couple more years Trump EXCEEDED her increased $2 mil asking price AND offered to give her a free home in Palm Beach FL for the rest of her life and she refused.
In the end she got crap nothing and the place got sold to satisfy overdue tax liens. But Trump did her a massive FAVOR – the Penthouse guy had built a giant steel structure which actually encased her rooming house for 12 long years – Trump had it pulled down, and in it’s place went a parking lot and a landscaped green-space public park, which she enjoyed for the remainder of the years she stayed in the property.
Oh, and according to the widows own words, she and Trump got along very well at first, he even gave her tickets to a Neil Diamond show she really wanted to see, but at some point things went downhill. Yeah – when the lawyers whispered at her that if she held out she could get $5 million, which is what she eventually put that dump on the market for after Trump dropped his bids.
No takers. It was sold for under $600,000 at auction to satisfy tax liens.
The photos of the property with the steel structure that the Penthouse mag owner built encasing the place are worth seeing.
My vote for Trump is not against everyone else, it’s solidly for Trump. Trump is the only nationalist running. Trump is self funded. Trump is an enemy of the Wall Street GOP crowd. Trump is a winning businessman. Trump is an unapologetic manipulator of our political system. I want Trump on our side.
Wood Boy, good night. Ease up on the Kool Aid.
Menderman, stop whining. It’s unbecoming.
Donald Trump might not be a lawyer but he sure seems to like paying lawyers to sue everyone in sight any time he doesn’t get his way. After losing in Iowa his first instinct was to sue Ted Cruz. Will he threaten to sue everyone who disagrees with him if he becomes president?
@ Vietvet….I was gonna reply to your posts, but I’ve slipped so far down in the comments section (no reply button) that I forgot what I wanted to say……, I let the dogs out, grabbed some more liquor, came back….checked hockey scores and I still don’t remember….Now, I don’t really feel like scrolling all the way up to remember….anyways…GREAT comments…Maybe?
Hey, all you anonymous idjusts. Man the F up and get a name here. Really. Undo your pants and look down. What do you see? Hopefully some balls. If you are a girl hit me up I’ll send you my phone number. All kidding aside, it’s infuriating for regular posters/readers.
On a theoretical level, I believe eminent domain as envisioned in the Constitution is a good thing. That’s how roads get built, schools established, and public infrastructure constructed. For example, it may be impossible to build an interstate highway without eminent domain. (As opposed to the current state of our government, where it is impossible to build an interstate highway because of environmental laws). Eminent domain also ensures that water systems can be built and public utilities run to wherever they need to run.
That being said, eminent domain has been abused to such an extent that we should have a moratorium on its use until well defined limits can be imposed. In the Kelo situation, New London used eminent domain to take private property and give it over to a company for another private use. However, the property was never developed into an industrial site as the New London poobahs envisioned, and is now an empty lot – no homes, no business, no tax revenues. This is government run amuck and hell bent on destroying private property rights. Say what you will, but private property rights are one of the foundations of a free society.
The Keystone Pipeline is a private enterprise, and eminent domain is improper for a private enterprise. Some argue that the Keystone Pipeline benefits the public, but you could also argue that a new Walmart where the First Methodist Church now stands also benefits the public. Where do you draw the line? I don’t have great faith in our elected dunderheads to recognize the difference between taking private property for a legitimate public purpose versus taking private property in order to give it to someone else for another private use.
The Kelo court had an opportunity to put limits on eminent domain, and punted the issue by holding that states had the right to determine what was pubic use. Both Trump and Cruz are correct in claiming that eminent domain has a purpose, but both Trump and Cruz are wrong if they believe “private to private” eminent domain is equitable, and both Trump and Cruz missed an opportunity to advocate for limits on the use of eminent domain.
Trump is for using Eminent domain – so are Trump supporters saying they now like Cruz as much as Trump?
Or is this to be perceived as a negativism because it’s Cruz?
Wyatt – NAIL on HEAD – thank you!
@ Tsunami – I HATE Eminent Domain and Trump has been fairly and unfairly beaten up on the issue. Now that there is video evidence of Cruz supporting Eminent Domain (and I don’t care what it’s used for – Border, Keystone Pipeline – E.D. is WRONG) the ISSUE becomes a PUSH between the 2 candidates.
Wow dude. Please try and stay relevant.
Turns out the Busheys have used it plenty in Texas. And yes the old lady Trump was dealing with never sold to him at 10 time FMV. And a couple years later took a bath when she sold the place. You can’t fix stupid.
GrandeMe — thank you for taking the time to write that all out.
Unfortunately it has been my experience that it doesn’t matter how much information you present to some Cruz supporters, they are not looking to be convinced otherwise. They know what they know, even if it is wrong. Sorry guys, that’s exactly how it is.
Even when Claudia writes something like “I’ll try to make this comment safe for all Trump supporters…because I’ll be accused of Trump-bashing..” is a provocative statement. I know for myself that I don’t expect “safe”. I do expect what is said to be true and I’ve seen A LOT of spurious junk that is just not true about Trump, from he stole vets’ fundraising money and vet groups won’t show up on stage with him, to this story about how he had a poor old widow woman’s house bulldozed so he could build a parking lot. In between it all are stories and comments aimed at his relationship with his daughter (“creepy”), that he doesn’t have any detailed information on his platform (his position details have been posted here multiple times), that he was just given all his wealth by his dad or that he must have robbed people blind through his underhanded dealings with everyone. How anyone can imagine a successful company that is based on the interpersonal skills of one man, can be successful given all these rotten personal traits, baffles me.
I’ve had Cruz supporters say I had my head so far up Trump’s butt they don’t know how I could still breath. I’ve been suspected of being a liberal and called a liberal for supporting him over Cruz. I’ve been mocked and told I was stupid in so many words, called a Kool-Aide drinking dupe ala Jim Jones, and if I make even one trivial mistake of fact it is like blood in the water of a hot tub.
One thing i do try to keep in mind, for all our sakes — but especially for Fur & Co., is that on any given day you might see an post linked at BadBlue. Whenever I do, I suffer a momentary bit of panic trying to remember if I commented on it and what I said. Right now, I know if I was a DNC-friendly operative, I’d be sure to spread the word that this place was ripe for some heavy troll activity in the not to distant future. We already got a teeny, tiny taste of that just last week before the Iowa caucus.
That’s all I gotta say about that.
..blood in a hot tub full of sharks. (but heck, it may make more sense the way it was written)
Leaving aside (as so many in the electorate are wont to do) anything the candidates actually say, let us just for one brief moment permit the sound of their names ring out…
TRUMP! In cards, a playing card of the suit chosen to rank above the others, which can win a trick where a card of a different suit has been led.
CRUZ! Spanish for Cross (not crescent). Do you understand CRUZADOR yet? A person who campaigns vigorously for political, social, or religious change; whose victories over the mahometan proved a source of heroism, chivalry, and piety, giving rise to romance, philosophy, and literature.
Are we not awash in symbolism? Does not the very utterance of their names (either or both) drive icy daggers of fear into the black hearts of our soulless socialist enemies? Like the blood-curdling cry of the banshee or the bone chilling horror of the Comanche war whoop, let us use this like LtCol Kilgore used “Ride of the Valkyries” on the VC village…
May their pajama-boy diapers fill with the offal of their cowardice!
Peyote is a terrible mushroom. Holy crap.
Ὀρέστης, I’m not sure what you just said, but it was so inspiring that it makes me want to follow you into battle right now. Tenno Heika BANZAI…!!!
Pinko, for the two and one half of us here that are Trump supporters please keep up the good work. If it were not for you I would be a permanent resident on the Tree House. You get it. Thank you.
Allow me Mr. Pinko:
“The Quintessential Texas Battle”
Speaking in Lubbock in November, Cruz said, if elected, “we will approve pipelines across the country.” And he ripped Obama for rejecting the northern leg of the Keystone XL pipeline, calling the project’s approval “as close to a no-brainer as any decision you’ll find in politics,” saying it would add jobs to the economy and increase national energy security.
Cruz’s unwavering support for pipeline projects that rely on eminent domain suggests a disconnect between his view of a company using that tool for energy development and one using it for buildings or other structures. It also illustrates the tough terrain candidates walk when advocating for property rights — particularly in Texas, where they frequently clash with energy interests.”
Nary a ticket to a Neil Diamond concert even hinted at.
Aaaaaannnnnnd…..the establishment GOP keeps on winning because instead of working together to tear down their bullshit, we argue amongst ourselves over petty bullshit despite technically being on the “same team”.
Wake me up when this shit’s over, I’ve had plenty already and we’ve still got 9 months of this crap left to endure for endless bickering and infighting.
POST at Gateway Pundit
LiberatedCitizen √
Cruz is one of the biggest phonies out there. Flashback…
And Ted also supports eminent domain for the Keystone Pipeline that a private company is building. Oil is subsidized and has been for years.( ) Cruz has at least $365,000 in oil/gas company investments ( ) and at least $50,000 of that is in Plains GP Holdings, a company that transports oil and gas liquids.( )
So Ted Cruz stands to make money on the Keystone Pipeline. In addition, Cruz has gotten $25 million in oil super pac money and over $952,000 in oil campaign contributions.
Cruz SCREAMS against Crony Capitalism publicly all the while taking the cronies money and buying into the cronies deals.
What’s all this bickering over land that none of us really owns. We are allowed to stay put on it as long as we keep paying our rent (property taxes) to the government.
FarmWife, watch the news.
Sooner or later you’ll hear about a bunch of federal victims
Eminent domain is in place in the US and state constitutions as a means of maintaining the PUBLIC good. When it comes to takings for PRIVATE use, FUCK THAT.
I admit I am strongly biased on this issue because I am currently involved in a corporate pipeline land grab. The pipeliners who want to abuse constitutions for their corporate profits, and the asshole politicians who support them after receiving untold dollars in campaign contributions from the pipeliners can KISS MY ASS. I stand actively and decidely against takings for corporations that don’t serve the public good.
Some see a difference between grabbing an old woman’s property to add a parking lot to a failing casino versus justly compensating land owners for a secure border. And some don’t….
What Biff said.
Some see giving an old lady an offer she shouldn’t have refused, & actually taking it
… your move….
OK, if your gonna do shit like this, I am not gonna hold my tongue anymore.
Mr. Pinko, you are an asshole for clipping out of context snippets of different politicians statements.
You are abusing you power here at iOTWr by actively denigrating one candidate with selectively editing clips and doing the same to promote your favored candidate.
Now, I openly say, I WILL NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP! EVER!!!! You are lying when you are saying you like and will vote for Cruz. How can you? You spend most of your time here telling us what a liar he is? You even went so far as citing CNN, Politifact, and WaPo as evidence Cruz sucks! You are no better than Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, Debbie Wasserman Schultz!
I am at the point that I am going to do my best to tell folks how one sided iOTWr has become!
You bomb every thread with your pro Trump bullshit. I am tired of it!
You are abusing this site and the conservatives that come here.
Just fucking stop it!!!!
loyal iOTW reader, commentator, contributor since 2009.
maybe it’s time to quit.
Eminent Domain is allowed for in the Constitution. It should be justly applied and property owners should be justly compensated. I have no problem with that. If you don’t like it, get a constitutional amendment. However, Kelo was unjust. That is a problem with the Supreme Court, not the constitution. Or Ted Cruz. Or Donald Trump.
Do whatever it takes to build the damn wall and secure the border in every other way necessary.
@ Biff
#1 – Vera Coking was NOT an old lady at the time Trump wanted her property.
TRUMP OFFERED WAY OVER what the property was worth. He NEVER got the property. The ad put out by Cruz LIED.
The woman ended up selling the property years later for way less than what she was offered by Guccione and Trump. Vera Coking had her right NOT to sell her property for ANY PRICE but she just made BAD BUSINESS decisions.
READ THE WHOLE STORY HERE – argue with FACTS – not LYING Cruz ads –
Cruz is FOR Eminent Domain #hypocrite
What Tony R said times a hundred.
Hey Menderman – do you see me blowing a gasket when there are PRO – Cruz posts here? There are THREE Cruz supporters on staff. And there is me – ONE Trump supporter. iotw is FAR FROM ONE SIDED, in fact it is one of the FAIREST political web sites out there. I’m not about to be BULLIED into shutting up so you can have a Utopian pro-Cruz site. STOP taking my support for TRUMP so PERSONALLY. I’m not directing posts to you and I’m not about to change my stance for YOU. You want to quit because of ONE guy on the staff you don’t agree with?
YOU are not being FAIR.
I heard you – you’re not voting for Trump. Guess what? I’M VOTING FOR TRUMP.
Here’s a tip – save yourself some heartache – SKIP MY POSTS and COMMENTS!
(P.S. – I’m editing this ONE comment so it does not become the Pinko / Menderman show going back and forth. You want to debate the issues – fine. I’m not here for a PERSONAL pissing match. )
That;s not right, or fair. I have the opposite view as you on Trump and Cruz. No big secret. But most of the time I feel it’s the Trump supporters getting run over. Maybe you should take some time and review a couple weeks worth of posts here.
Yes, I am being fair. You are taking out of context snippets without links to the original context to openly promote a candidate. You are making iOTWr look like a Trump site.
You selectively edit videos and post them here to promote your opinion.
I don’t have the keys to the site, so all I can do is call you out on it, and the worse you get, the worse I’ll get.
You are blatantly posting propaganda. The other 2 are not. Your claim that I am being unfair is ridiculous!
what happened to the reply option ? hold on while I pop some corn !!!! This shit is gonna get good
Keystone Pipeline sounds like private ownership to me.
Cruz is for Eminent Domain for the Keystone Pipeline too.
I don’t think anyone disagrees with use of eminent domain for appropriate, constitutionally-sound purposes. This post can only be explained by deceit or ignorance. I find that sad and damaging to the blog. The only reason Trump didn’t get the property he wanted is because he lost in court. If we’ve come to the point that we’re defending private-use land-grabs from old ladies, we might as well elect Bernie Sanders. He doesn’t believe in property rights either.
Cruz is for the Constitution…..period.
You have a problem with Eminent Domain being in the Constitution? Do you have a problem with a candidate standing by the Constitution as written?
Lobby to change it, possibly through the Convention of States.
Cheap shot, out of context clips won’t change the Constitution.
But that wasn’t your point was it?
and Mr. Pinko, do I need to start doing screen grabs of your posts? You edit them faster that Trump changes positions.
You have power I don’t have, and you are abusing it! You have changed your response to me at least 3 times. Mine remains as I posted it, and I stand by what I have said!
and you edited your post again!!!!!
must be nice!
Stick with your original!
“I don’t think anyone disagrees with use of eminent domain for appropriate, constitutionally-sound purposes.”
I disagree. I HATE Eminent Domain for ANYTHING. The government shouldn’t be allowed to TAKE ANY PRIVATE PROPERTY under ANY CIRCUMSTANCE!
I HATE Trump’s stance on Eminent Domain and I hate Cruz’s stance USING the Constitution for Eminent Domain. My point is THEY BOTH SUCK ON IT canceling each other out on that issue.
My #1 issue – Immigration and Border – Trump wins that argument for me. Give the NON-Politician the shot at GETTING SOMETHING DONE! NO MORE POLITICIAN’S BULLSHIT for me.
Old Saint Trump was just trying to do that little old lady a favor and take that worthless piece of property off her hands. Isn’t that was Eminent Domain is intended for since he was trying to make her wealthy? Ok, maybe while making himself even more wealthy, but that should be fine, right?
Just wait until Saint Trump is President. He will promise a Casino in every town and if it means you lose your house, hey he will give you fair market value or at least what he thinks is fair market value.
And when he is done there you just wait until you see that shiny new wall down south, with its speedy turnstiles to allow the daily influx of migrant workers for Trump’s many casinos and businesses. It will be glorious because he will put so many to work from at least one side of that border.
And then when he is done there he will work out a deal with China to bring the Yen in line with the dollar, so that those nasty old dollars won’t cost so much anymore, but hey trade with China will be glorious, at least for Trump.
And then, well enough spoilers, you just wait. Trump is going to make America Great, at least for him and his cronies. Hope you are one so that you get in on this glorious future…..
So NOW Menderman quits, after costing us our “Reply” button in exchange for whatever feature he thought was a good idea (I forget what it was right now)?!!
P.S. – I’m just kidding, Menderman – I know you meant well.
So which is better? The government just taking your land and giving you “fair value” or a guy who’s trying to get your property and offering you way more than the government EVER would?
I think EVERYONE should have the RIGHT to REFUSE ANY OFFER and not get their land taken away from them.
The WHOLE VERA COKING story here –
I’m not quitting until Pinko is fired!!!!!
As I have said 19 trillion times, spending is my number one issue. Cut off the flow of money, and that wall will keep the invaders here!
And Mr. Pinko, you know I love you, but really, quit editing your comments!
That is entirely unfair!
Woody, Saint Trump? Really. Cruz can’t stop lying and cheating. There’s another story breaking today FROM TEXAS no less. And you won’t to throw out Saint Trump? Wow, good thing Jim Jones isn’t around. You’d be on your second glass of Kool Aid
Well, at least I didn’t break Reagan’s 11th commandment nor Buckley’s rule.
I am sorry Bad_Brad, did my post interrupt your daily dose of Saint Trump’s Holy Water?
I was only trying to emulate the many Trump supporters and their slavish following of a man who can change his positions any time and his followers will cheerfully accept it. He can be completely left-wing for years, then one day change to being somewhat conservative and hey he means it this time.
I just figured I would try joining this mass to see what it was like to be a devout follower of Saint Trump. He is the one and only true outsider who is completely self funded (even if it through personal loans he intends to see are repaid to himself later). He is beholden to no special interest (of course that is because he is a special interest). And he would never emulate Mother Superior Clinton and sell influence once in office (at least not through the front door).
Once elected the Whitehouse will be known as the Trumpthedral where the holy mass of the deal will take place each and every day. The rituals of kissing the ring of Saint Trump and saying the holy pleas for Trumpsgiving will be enforced.
It truly will be a glorious age in American when it is again Great at least for Saint Trump and his disciples.
Yea that’s right, let’s not talk ill of them but let’s lie and manipulate votes. I’ll vote Rubio before I vote Cruz. But make no mistake if Cruz is the last guy standing I will vote for him. I have no respect.
At this point in American politics – I’ll take a non-politician’s promises over a politician’s promises.

You can call me whatever you want. I won’t be a Charlie Brown Voter anymore.
Woody, no need to apologize. I understand how you’ve gotten sucked in and can no longer look at the issues logically. Maybe on Wednesday we can get you some sort of intervention.
This is ugly and isn’t what I come to IOTW for.
I could do that too
I am sorry Woody, did my post interrupt your daily dose of Saint Cruz’s Holy Water?
I was only trying to emulate the many Cruz supporters and their slavish following of a man who can change his positions any time and his followers will cheerfully accept it. He can be completely constitutional for years, then one day ignore the Constitution to get to the White House.
I just figured I would try joining this mass to see what it was like to be a devout follower of Saint Cruz. He is the one and only true outsider who lies about his loans (even if it through personal loans he intends to see are repaid to himself later). He is beholden to Goldman Sachs. And he would never emulate Mother Superior Clinton and sell influence once in office (at least not through the front door).
Once elected the Whitehouse will be known as the Cruzthedral where the holy mass of Special Interests Groups and donors get their bidding. The rituals of kissing the ring of Saint Cruz and saying the holy pleas for Cruzgiving will be enforced.
It truly will be a glorious age in American when it is again Great at least for Saint Cruz and his cronies.
LIE, CHEAT, however – the end justifies the means.
Christian Conservative values be damned.
I agree with Menderman.
I will try to make this comment safe for all Trump supporters, but I will be accused of Trump bashing anyway. It’s happened before and I don’t want to argue. I’ve given my opinion about how I feel about Ted Cruz a few times and have been told it wasn’t good enough; that I needed more proof or data to back up my opinion.
Then I posted one essay where I compared the people of Minnesota’s response to Jesse Ventura’s candidacy for governor to Trump supporter’s reaction to his presidential candidacy. It wasn’t meant as a negative. I happily voted for Jesse for the same reasons people want to vote for Trump. That was supposed to be the comparison. I never said once that Trump would end up being like Jesse when he crashed and burned, but some took it that way. I dropped it after trying to explain myself for a while.
I haven’t posted much about Cruz except for items of interest. I posted this video today to show someone who commented several days ago that Cruz hasn’t said anything about wanting to build a wall. When I saw this, I thought that maybe he would want to see this. I said NOTHING about Trump. I never will. I’m not posting stories to tell you what to think.
This one thing positive about Cruz, and you take it to pounce on it to grind him down to show how much better Trump is. Cruz said the use of eminent domain is in the constitution for national security. You know that Kelo was about giving someone’s land to a private entity to make money.
Now, my comments regarding a post are not Trump-bashing, either. Sometimes I wish I could really tell you what I think, but you have cowered me into just giving up. I support people who say positive things about Cruz, but never denigrate Trump. I ignore the Cruz bashing because I know you don’t want to hear my opinion.
So, I guess this means that I’m relegated to the fluff pieces that everyone agrees with and my critter posts.
Maybe things will change after the conventions. We’ll see.
As my ending thought for the night, I have this to say.
MR. Pinko has said many a time that Trump is his FU candidate.
I’m not interested in revenge, I am interested to returning to a constitutional democratic republic.
“He can be completely constitutional for years, then one day ignore the Constitution to get to the White House”
Excellent observation. So how’s he justify jumping to religion while being such a lying piece of shit? Just sayen.
Ahh Anonymous, Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!!! Thank you for the compliment. Maybe someday you to can come up with your own original thought, but for now copying me is just fine….
Thanks !!
OMG! Safe places at IOTWR!
Trigger warnings can’t be far behind.
tee-hee 😉
Woody, way to respond when your getting your butt kicked.
This is a nothing burger.
Quote Cruz out of context using sound bites to cover Trump on the issue.
Get real!
Building a border fence would require use of eminent domain no matter who instigated it.
Is there a difference between building border security and a shopping mall or casino?
Inquiring minds want to know.
I’m not voting for any Lawyer
You be right. Fuck them.
Cruz is not getting quoted out of context – the whole video is there with my right for editorial comment.
Cruz is FOR Eminent Domain FOR the Keystone Pipeline and a BORDER WALL.
My point in the whole thing – the Eminent Domain issue is now a WASH between Cruz and Trump. They’re both for it in some form or other. I have a problem with BOTH candidates on it.
I lean Trump because of his VERY STRONG STANCE on Immigration and the WALL! And he’s a NOT a politician. I want to see Trump put his money where his mouth is with a WALL and Immigration enforcement. Don’t want to get bullshitted by a politican anymore!
And thus ends the cat fight. For the nonce. Tune in again tomorrow, folks, for the next chapter in the continuing saga of “Trumpers vs. Cruzers – how IOTWR commenters can significantly alter the 2016 Presidential election and change the world”…
P.S. – Ain’t politics fun…?
Gateway Pundit picked up on the story –
I actually took 25 minutes out of my life to RESEARCH the Trump Atlantic City widow thing. It is not as it is being portrayed by most, including Cruz. I read a half dozen old articles, here is the boiled down stuff:
Turns out Trump wasn’t a creep at all. The local redevelopment committee were the main ones going after the widow woman, Trump partnered with them after the widow refused when he offered her a price lower than HER asking price of $1 mil. He had an obligation to try to secure the lot to complete the project he had brought.
He came up to HER asking price after the E domain fell through, and she said “no”, then doubled her asking. She had done the SAME thing to the Penthouse mag guy who first tried to buy her house 12 years earlier. (It really wasn’t even a house – it was a low income rooming house.) Then after a couple more years Trump EXCEEDED her increased $2 mil asking price AND offered to give her a free home in Palm Beach FL for the rest of her life and she refused.
In the end she got crap nothing and the place got sold to satisfy overdue tax liens. But Trump did her a massive FAVOR – the Penthouse guy had built a giant steel structure which actually encased her rooming house for 12 long years – Trump had it pulled down, and in it’s place went a parking lot and a landscaped green-space public park, which she enjoyed for the remainder of the years she stayed in the property.
Oh, and according to the widows own words, she and Trump got along very well at first, he even gave her tickets to a Neil Diamond show she really wanted to see, but at some point things went downhill. Yeah – when the lawyers whispered at her that if she held out she could get $5 million, which is what she eventually put that dump on the market for after Trump dropped his bids.
No takers. It was sold for under $600,000 at auction to satisfy tax liens.
The photos of the property with the steel structure that the Penthouse mag owner built encasing the place are worth seeing.
My vote for Trump is not against everyone else, it’s solidly for Trump. Trump is the only nationalist running. Trump is self funded. Trump is an enemy of the Wall Street GOP crowd. Trump is a winning businessman. Trump is an unapologetic manipulator of our political system. I want Trump on our side.
Wood Boy, good night. Ease up on the Kool Aid.
Menderman, stop whining. It’s unbecoming.
Donald Trump might not be a lawyer but he sure seems to like paying lawyers to sue everyone in sight any time he doesn’t get his way. After losing in Iowa his first instinct was to sue Ted Cruz. Will he threaten to sue everyone who disagrees with him if he becomes president?
@ Vietvet….I was gonna reply to your posts, but I’ve slipped so far down in the comments section (no reply button) that I forgot what I wanted to say……, I let the dogs out, grabbed some more liquor, came back….checked hockey scores and I still don’t remember….Now, I don’t really feel like scrolling all the way up to remember….anyways…GREAT comments…Maybe?
Hey, all you anonymous idjusts. Man the F up and get a name here. Really. Undo your pants and look down. What do you see? Hopefully some balls. If you are a girl hit me up I’ll send you my phone number. All kidding aside, it’s infuriating for regular posters/readers.
On a theoretical level, I believe eminent domain as envisioned in the Constitution is a good thing. That’s how roads get built, schools established, and public infrastructure constructed. For example, it may be impossible to build an interstate highway without eminent domain. (As opposed to the current state of our government, where it is impossible to build an interstate highway because of environmental laws). Eminent domain also ensures that water systems can be built and public utilities run to wherever they need to run.
That being said, eminent domain has been abused to such an extent that we should have a moratorium on its use until well defined limits can be imposed. In the Kelo situation, New London used eminent domain to take private property and give it over to a company for another private use. However, the property was never developed into an industrial site as the New London poobahs envisioned, and is now an empty lot – no homes, no business, no tax revenues. This is government run amuck and hell bent on destroying private property rights. Say what you will, but private property rights are one of the foundations of a free society.
The Keystone Pipeline is a private enterprise, and eminent domain is improper for a private enterprise. Some argue that the Keystone Pipeline benefits the public, but you could also argue that a new Walmart where the First Methodist Church now stands also benefits the public. Where do you draw the line? I don’t have great faith in our elected dunderheads to recognize the difference between taking private property for a legitimate public purpose versus taking private property in order to give it to someone else for another private use.
The Kelo court had an opportunity to put limits on eminent domain, and punted the issue by holding that states had the right to determine what was pubic use. Both Trump and Cruz are correct in claiming that eminent domain has a purpose, but both Trump and Cruz are wrong if they believe “private to private” eminent domain is equitable, and both Trump and Cruz missed an opportunity to advocate for limits on the use of eminent domain.
Trump is for using Eminent domain – so are Trump supporters saying they now like Cruz as much as Trump?
Or is this to be perceived as a negativism because it’s Cruz?
Wyatt – NAIL on HEAD – thank you!
@ Tsunami – I HATE Eminent Domain and Trump has been fairly and unfairly beaten up on the issue. Now that there is video evidence of Cruz supporting Eminent Domain (and I don’t care what it’s used for – Border, Keystone Pipeline – E.D. is WRONG) the ISSUE becomes a PUSH between the 2 candidates.
Wow dude. Please try and stay relevant.
Turns out the Busheys have used it plenty in Texas. And yes the old lady Trump was dealing with never sold to him at 10 time FMV. And a couple years later took a bath when she sold the place. You can’t fix stupid.
GrandeMe — thank you for taking the time to write that all out.
Unfortunately it has been my experience that it doesn’t matter how much information you present to some Cruz supporters, they are not looking to be convinced otherwise. They know what they know, even if it is wrong. Sorry guys, that’s exactly how it is.
Even when Claudia writes something like “I’ll try to make this comment safe for all Trump supporters…because I’ll be accused of Trump-bashing..” is a provocative statement. I know for myself that I don’t expect “safe”. I do expect what is said to be true and I’ve seen A LOT of spurious junk that is just not true about Trump, from he stole vets’ fundraising money and vet groups won’t show up on stage with him, to this story about how he had a poor old widow woman’s house bulldozed so he could build a parking lot. In between it all are stories and comments aimed at his relationship with his daughter (“creepy”), that he doesn’t have any detailed information on his platform (his position details have been posted here multiple times), that he was just given all his wealth by his dad or that he must have robbed people blind through his underhanded dealings with everyone. How anyone can imagine a successful company that is based on the interpersonal skills of one man, can be successful given all these rotten personal traits, baffles me.
I’ve had Cruz supporters say I had my head so far up Trump’s butt they don’t know how I could still breath. I’ve been suspected of being a liberal and called a liberal for supporting him over Cruz. I’ve been mocked and told I was stupid in so many words, called a Kool-Aide drinking dupe ala Jim Jones, and if I make even one trivial mistake of fact it is like blood in the water of a hot tub.
One thing i do try to keep in mind, for all our sakes — but especially for Fur & Co., is that on any given day you might see an post linked at BadBlue. Whenever I do, I suffer a momentary bit of panic trying to remember if I commented on it and what I said. Right now, I know if I was a DNC-friendly operative, I’d be sure to spread the word that this place was ripe for some heavy troll activity in the not to distant future. We already got a teeny, tiny taste of that just last week before the Iowa caucus.
That’s all I gotta say about that.
..blood in a hot tub full of sharks. (but heck, it may make more sense the way it was written)
Leaving aside (as so many in the electorate are wont to do) anything the candidates actually say, let us just for one brief moment permit the sound of their names ring out…
TRUMP! In cards, a playing card of the suit chosen to rank above the others, which can win a trick where a card of a different suit has been led.
CRUZ! Spanish for Cross (not crescent). Do you understand CRUZADOR yet? A person who campaigns vigorously for political, social, or religious change; whose victories over the mahometan proved a source of heroism, chivalry, and piety, giving rise to romance, philosophy, and literature.
Are we not awash in symbolism? Does not the very utterance of their names (either or both) drive icy daggers of fear into the black hearts of our soulless socialist enemies? Like the blood-curdling cry of the banshee or the bone chilling horror of the Comanche war whoop, let us use this like LtCol Kilgore used “Ride of the Valkyries” on the VC village…
May their pajama-boy diapers fill with the offal of their cowardice!
Peyote is a terrible mushroom. Holy crap.
Ὀρέστης, I’m not sure what you just said, but it was so inspiring that it makes me want to follow you into battle right now. Tenno Heika BANZAI…!!!
Pinko, for the two and one half of us here that are Trump supporters please keep up the good work. If it were not for you I would be a permanent resident on the Tree House. You get it. Thank you.
Allow me Mr. Pinko:
“The Quintessential Texas Battle”
Speaking in Lubbock in November, Cruz said, if elected, “we will approve pipelines across the country.” And he ripped Obama for rejecting the northern leg of the Keystone XL pipeline, calling the project’s approval “as close to a no-brainer as any decision you’ll find in politics,” saying it would add jobs to the economy and increase national energy security.
Cruz’s unwavering support for pipeline projects that rely on eminent domain suggests a disconnect between his view of a company using that tool for energy development and one using it for buildings or other structures. It also illustrates the tough terrain candidates walk when advocating for property rights — particularly in Texas, where they frequently clash with energy interests.”
Nary a ticket to a Neil Diamond concert even hinted at.
Aaaaaannnnnnd…..the establishment GOP keeps on winning because instead of working together to tear down their bullshit, we argue amongst ourselves over petty bullshit despite technically being on the “same team”.
Wake me up when this shit’s over, I’ve had plenty already and we’ve still got 9 months of this crap left to endure for endless bickering and infighting.
POST at Gateway Pundit
LiberatedCitizen √
Cruz is one of the biggest phonies out there. Flashback…
Cruz seizes on eminent domain as wedge against Trump in New Hampshire…
And Ted also supports eminent domain for the Keystone Pipeline that a private company is building. Oil is subsidized and has been for years.( ) Cruz has at least $365,000 in oil/gas company investments ( ) and at least $50,000 of that is in Plains GP Holdings, a company that transports oil and gas liquids.( )
So Ted Cruz stands to make money on the Keystone Pipeline. In addition, Cruz has gotten $25 million in oil super pac money and over $952,000 in oil campaign contributions.
Cruz SCREAMS against Crony Capitalism publicly all the while taking the cronies money and buying into the cronies deals.
Keystone pipeline firm files for eminent domain against Nebraska landowners…
What’s all this bickering over land that none of us really owns. We are allowed to stay put on it as long as we keep paying our rent (property taxes) to the government.
FarmWife, watch the news.
Sooner or later you’ll hear about a bunch of federal victims
Federal victims?
Eminent domain is in place in the US and state constitutions as a means of maintaining the PUBLIC good. When it comes to takings for PRIVATE use, FUCK THAT.
I admit I am strongly biased on this issue because I am currently involved in a corporate pipeline land grab. The pipeliners who want to abuse constitutions for their corporate profits, and the asshole politicians who support them after receiving untold dollars in campaign contributions from the pipeliners can KISS MY ASS. I stand actively and decidely against takings for corporations that don’t serve the public good.