Ted Cruz on Masks & No Travel Even After a Vaccine: “This Is A Bizarre, Lunatic, Totalitarian Cult” – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz on Masks & No Travel Even After a Vaccine: “This Is A Bizarre, Lunatic, Totalitarian Cult”

DanBongino: This week, Dr. Vin Gupta, a health policy analyst for NBC News, said on MSNBC that even after people get their 2nd dose of vaccine, they should STILL wear a mask and avoid travel until everyone is vaccinated. Ted Cruz did not appreciate that suggestion. more here

12 Comments on Ted Cruz on Masks & No Travel Even After a Vaccine: “This Is A Bizarre, Lunatic, Totalitarian Cult”

  1. got me a new one today …
    (’round here, I don’t wear one, I don’t get to purchase food)

    btw, today is the 250th anniversary of Ludwig Van Beethoven’s birthday & I post this most magnificent piece of music ever created by Man … for your enjoyment (a lively interpretation) … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbZjAxqHYSg&ab_channel=deepnosepicker
    Beethoven wrote this between his 52nd & 54th years (he died at 56) …. & while he was stone deaf!

    P.S. the reason original CD’s could only fit 74 minutes was that Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, properly played, was 74 minutes long & they figured no one needed any more than that to enjoy the greatest music ever composed

  2. Kcir
    DECEMBER 16, 2020 AT 11:17 PM

    “They found a way to steal an election, voluntarily lock ourselves up, and give up our human mobility. (no cars end goal)”

    …and removed our right to assemble, so we have no way to talk to each other that they can’t easily monitor, disrupt, and use as evidence against us…

  3. As many people have already said, Covid control is the same as gun control. It’s not, and never has been, about the Covid or the guns. It’s first, last, and always has been about CONTROL!


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