Ted Cruz Says His “Pronoun Is Kiss My Ass” – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz Says His “Pronoun Is Kiss My Ass”

“What the hell is wrong with you idiots?”

40 Comments on Ted Cruz Says His “Pronoun Is Kiss My Ass”

  1. It’s funny, I (and I think a lot of others here) saw Cruz as the best candidate in 2015. Trump started trashing his GOP opponents, and Cruz followed him into the gutter in November/December. Cruz couldn’t match Trump’s mastery at the time, but he has done well since.

  2. They’re telling us what they think we want to hear. Rubio has been hiding under a rock but recently emerged all kinda fire and brimstoney cause he’s on the ballot this fall.

  3. “…we forget what they said yesterday that really pissed us off” -aleon

    Good point.

    Speaking of Trump (since it’s good to itemize), there were three main policy issues about his Presidency that I didn’t like:

    (1) COVID stimulus money
    (2) COVID vaccine support
    (3) Encouragement of zero interest rates

    All three of those are now biting our ass. No matter. I’ll vote for him again just for his lead in the culture war. And Cruz really does serve the country best in the Senate, imo.

  4. Cruz condemned the 1/6 peaceful protesters as violent insurrectionists.

    There are only 3 Congressmen walking the walk on those poor folks locked up without a trial, some for over a year and a half, and Cruz is definitely not one of them.

    I guess it’s pretty easy to talk some smack(ask the champ Captain Obvious, J Jordan) especially when the alternative are the REgressives.

    Do you remember DJT’s nickname for Ted?

  5. My pronoun is “Emperor”. And you’d best call me by my proper pronoun or I’ll throw you UNDER the gaol.

  6. Those who are attacking Ted Cruz. Give it a rest.
    I think you should direct that energy to the actual people who deserve it. He is a true conservative, and we need him now more than ever to fight the left.
    If you are still hanging on “lying Ted”, that was a campaign tactic by Trump. It happens in elections. Don’t take it as if it was a proven fact.

    If you are going after Ted for his comment about January 6 protesters, he has apologized and said it was a mistake.
    Who is without mistakes? Did Trump not make any mistakes in the past? Has he not hired RINOs and democrats? Did he not vote and donated to democrats? He openly admitted it. He even wanted an Obamacare socialized medicine system. There is a video about it.

    What is important to me, actions. They speak louder than words.
    Trump governed as a true conservative. Proved his past is, … past.
    Same with Ted. He apologized for his January 6 protester comment. That is in the past. Other than that, his record speaks for itself. He even called Mitch McConnell a liar on the Senate floor during speech. There is a video for that too.
    Direct your energy and time to fight the RINOs and the democrats. They are the enemy.

    If Trump or DeSantis won’t run and Cruz does, I’d vote for him.
    Note: I got banned from couple of “conservative” sites for saying this. There are also some among us with actions not matching their words, unfortunately.

  7. @John J. Smith July 26, 2022 at 5:26 pm

    > Direct your energy and time to fight the RINOs and the democrats. They are the enemy.

    The people that tell Americans to sit down, pay Their(TM) taxes, and wait for the Opportunity(TM) to vote (harder), for whomever the Bolsheviks don’t care is Elected(TM), are listed on the Bolsheviks’ ballots? Are not Americans’ enemies?

    That’s the story you’re going with?

  8. The “mistake” that Cruz made isn’t comparable to using the wrong fork. The mask came off. Again. So fuck you.

    You are the fucking reason we’ve got the problem in the Republican Party-you let this shit slide time after time. Oh he’s better than Cornyn. BFD.

    Oh you’d vote for him if he ran as the nominee? WTF has that got to do with the price of bananas? Gee instead of Bernie or AOC? Wow, you get a gold fucking star.

  9. @MMinWA
    Using profanity and the tone of your message suggests limited vocabulary and anger issues. I can’t help you with those. You need to see professional who does that for living.
    That also suggests you are or were a democrat at one point. That’s how they “argue” with others.
    I am the reason for the RINOs in the Republican party? Really? By supporting true conservatives over RINOs you and your type have been electing for years and then whining and complaining when they stab you in the back.
    Comparing Ted Cruz to Bernie Sanders and AOC shows how much you understand any of this.
    But then again, you probably get your “facts” from some random nutcase on social media.
    My advise to you, learn how to debate like stable adults do, or enroll in some anger management classes.
    This will be my last response to you, or to anyone who responds like you.

  10. @fnuck, son of fnord
    “That’s the story you’re going with?

    Which part of my suggestion was hard to understand?
    Maybe you got lost in the long message.
    Some people lose track after the first few lines.
    Here, let me simplify the message.
    I suggest you use that anger/energy to after RINOs and democrats. They are the enemy. Ted Cruz is not. Ted Cruz is a true conservative.
    Here is what the late, great Rush Limbaugh said about Ted Cruz.

    “If conservatism is your bag, if conservatism is the dominating factor in how you vote, there is no other choice for you in this campaign than Ted Cruz, because you are exactly right. This is the closest in our lifetimes we have ever been to Ronald Reagan” – Rush Limbaugh, on his radio show, 2-10-2016.

    I don’t think I could be any clear in what I said, so please don’t attribute to me what I never said, or even implied.

  11. @Anonymous
    That argument has been debunked many times by actual constitutional scholars.
    If you are suggesting someone born abroad to US citizen parent(s) are not US citizens or disqualified from running for president, then you are disqualifying tens of thousands who match that criteria, including sons and daughters of military serving abroad.
    Remember John McCain?
    (This is not a defense of him or his policies, in case you want to branch to that.)
    He was born in Panama, still a natural born US citizen, and ran for president, no legal issues.
    That’s just one example.
    Mark Levin, Jonathan Turly, Alan Dershowitz, and few other constitutional scholars all explained this, and the latter two are liberal scholars, not exactly interested in defending Republicans.
    That article seems to be from a democrat or a RINO hack. They are dime a dozen.
    Same thing was regurgitated by the likes of Alex Jones and Roger Stone.
    Yes, during the primaries or elections, dirty games are played, but it seems that some take those games and their nasty propaganda as if they were facts.
    They are not.

  12. ^^^^^^. This goofs gotta be a Troll trying to stir shit up. No conservative would consider Cruz a serious choice. He’s an admitted Globalist. You know, the enemy. Just like Miss Lindsay, just a little smarter.

  13. @John J. Smith — You’re commenting to the wrong group, here. We’re on a first name basis with Cruz, and we know him very, very well. He was the subject of nearly two years of fierce campaign debate among this cohort. You better have done research to the 11th and 12th degrees (beyond your assumptions about Cruz), before you embarrass yourself.

  14. @ Anonymous July 27, 2022 at 12:56 am
    “This goofs gotta be a Troll trying to stir shit up.”
    Says someone posting using the name … anonymous?
    You lack self awareness.

    “No conservative would consider Cruz a serious choice.”
    You mean no democrat suddenly started voting for Trump?
    Those are not conservatives, yourself included.

    Ask Mark Levin, and since you are reading impaired, I posted Rush’s quote about Cruz.

    “He’s an admitted Globalist”
    That’s a lie. You can’t even prove it.
    Here is a hint. We rely on facts, not made up stuff or the voices you hear in your head.

    But the again, his haters never had any solid ground other than campaign stuff Trump said about him, which happens during every election cycle. Grow up out of that stuff.
    Look at his voting record, his record defending constitutional rights, and the policies he support.

  15. @bigailAdams July 27, 2022 at 7:51 am
    “and we know him very, very well”
    Doesn’t look like those who are posting that nonsense do. You sound like one of them.
    Also, I don’t remember others electing you to speak on their behalf, as you see to have convinced yourself of being in that position.

    “You better have done research to the 11th and 12th degrees (beyond your assumptions about Cruz), before you embarrass yourself.”

    I posted facts, your fellow haters posted nothing but lies, and profanity laced ASSumptions, personal attacks.
    You have ZERO evidence to your smear and I have the receipts.
    Don’t like my comments?
    Don’t read them.
    Act like a true conservative (which I doubt you are) and allow different opinions than your own.
    I posted a suggestion and it seems to have triggered those with fragile egos, and the ones who can’t read, and the emotionally immature ones.
    If insults and personal attacks are all you have, then I am not interested in hearing from you.

    I have the facts, and you have what, conspiracy stuff like “he is an admitted globalist”, blah blah blah.
    No thanks.
    Some of us, real conservatives, prefer facts, not emotions, and look beyond the narrative.

    I knew my original comment would not be received well by some, but I did not expect the nonsense that was thrown at me, which I only see on social media from the far left trolls responding to me.
    Such a shame some of you act like them.

    On that note, now you are added to the list of those I won’t read/respond to, given your comment had nothing but assumptions and personal attacks in it.

  16. John J. Smith

    ““He’s an admitted Globalist”
    That’s a lie. You can’t even prove it.”

    You stupid fuck. Debate one during the primaries 2015, second question. “Who here identifies as a globalists”. All hand went up save one. And it wasn’t Ted fucking Cruz. It’s on you tube. You’re an ill prepared idiot.

  17. @John J. Smith

    I, for one, welcome your comments. I’ve always believed, as evidenced by my comments on this blog, that conservatism can come in more than one flavor and it drives me crazy when sanctimony turning to nastiness is used to defend one’s particular flavor as more pure or genuine than another.

    Has Cruz said or did things he regretted (and retracted)? Sure, who hasn’t? And those Trump supporters (raising hand) can not defend all the dumb shit he did, even as president. But we look at the body of work, we look at results and actions, and if more of those than not align with our values, then they are worthy of our support.

    Just a word of advice, those here you are picking fights with are generally good folk who probably vote 90% the way you do. You have demonstrated who the real enemies are, they don’t comment on this blog.

    More prescient words from Thomas Paine,”If we don’t hang together we will surely hang separately”.

  18. Rich Taylor

    You have no idea what you’re dealing with. He’s a Right Scoop Refuge, forced to leave when traffic dropped to zero due to that Moron Sooper Mex. This guy ripped his miniature statue of Jesus off his dash board and replaced it with one of Ted Cruz. When he wakes up in the morning he’s staring at a poster of Teddy on the ceiling. I’ve run into my fare share. They’re NOT conservatives.

  19. Brad, I don’t know this guy from Adam but I’ll need more for him to get on my bad side than the fact that he likes Cruz.

    And it strains credulity to think that he got banned from any right-leaning sites just because he cheerleads. If he is fake or a phony, he will be exposed soon enough but TBH, I didn’t see anything in his above comments that rubbed me the wrong way.

    I start off with a clean slate for everyone. I’ll give him a chance if he wants it.

  20. @Brad,
    More insults and profanity.
    That show of hands is as credible as “lying Ted” campaign tactics.
    But thanks for proving my point. Some of scream profanities and throw childish personal attacks because you have no valid argument.

    Now that you mentioned it, I actually got banned from “The Right Scoop” another source which pretends to be conservative, for, ready for it? Defending Donald Trump from the personal attacks and the smears he was getting. At the height of the primaries, just after Cruz suspended his campaign. Some clown moderator there decided that any post defending Trump and asking to give him the benefit of doubt after he became the nominee was to be labeled as spam. But don’t let the facts stand in your way.

    I am Trump supporter and voter, and that does not mean I have to go with your irrational line of think and attack/smear cruse. Your grade school insults don’t scare me, nor would get me to change my mind.
    If you are going to hold on stuff like this, Trump was a life long democrat/democrat voter. Ivanka remained a registered democrat even after Trump was elected.
    And your nasty comment about my faith proves you are a former democrat now suddenly became a Turmp voter. People like you are a dime a dozen.
    Thanks for the waste of time.
    I know I said I would not respond to people like you, but your revisionist history and personal attacks warranted one more response.

  21. @Rich Taylor
    Thanks for the voice of reason and the civil tone in your comment.
    I did not post that comment to incite hostility and I am certainly not here to pick up fights.
    I am not joking. I got banned from several sites for defending Ted Cruz, and from few other sites for defending Trump. The “right scoop” banned me for defending Trump, like I explained above, few others too. Amazingly enough, those same sites went 180 degrees and started defending Trump after he was elected. They waited to make sure that they defend the guy who won.
    Personally, I like both Trump and Cruz, and few others. I was disappointed when they fought each other during the 2016 elections, but some of the advisers Trump had around him started that, and contributed to it, made sure to set a narrative now some really believe it as if was a proven fact.

    Like I said, I would vote for Cruz if Trump or DeSantis did not run.
    I take actions over narrative, record over emotions.
    Thanks for the civil response. Something rare these days.

  22. “Now that you mentioned it, I actually got banned from “The Right Scoop”

    Bull shit. I remember you from the Right Poop. You were a regular. I got banned from those idiots. Rather quickly. I stand by my statements. I’m waiting for an encouraging word about Trump. And by the way, Cruz is a Globalist. Track down that YouTube video. I’m not doing it for you.

  23. @John J. Smith

    I visit this site because there are a number of stone-cold patriots here that understand who the real enemies are and will not back down from a fight to preserve those God-given freedoms we cherish. And, we find ourselves swimming against the currents of culture, of the MSM, the low information voter, Hollywood, and academia. We need every foot soldier willing to not abide the shift towards decadency and moral decay.

    Don’t be a stranger. This is the public square where we hash out strategy, commiserate over the road to Hell that the country is currently on, and support each other in the rather daunting task of righting the ship.

  24. Maybe I missed it, but nobody is remarking that Ted Cruz’s wifey is a deep state insider. I challenge you to show me even one politician with a deep stater spouse that hasn’t sold us out. They have all been compromised and have walked away from their countrymen for the riches that being a no good TRAITOROUS BASTARD will bring.

  25. “Bull shit. I remember you from the Right Poop.”
    Can you share my user name there?
    I could use more laughing at the expense of your vulgar liberal rage and phony conservatism.
    Go ahead.
    I am sure you will make something up, now I have you backed to a corner with your lies.
    The problem with people like you, they never have any proof. Your are just a loud mouth, vulgar person with anger issues.

    Now I see you desperately trying to get others to side with you. That’s childish.
    Oh, and Ted Cruz’s wife’s “offense” was having a job at a bank. Somehow that made her “deep state insider”, really.
    Where would the left be without conspiracy peddling people like you, making the rest of us look bad?
    I am willing to bet you are one of those who would rather sit home if Trump was not the nominee and let Hillary Clinton be elected and would have spent the next 4 years whining about it while they did not go to vote.
    I see your type of phony conservatives all the time.
    You are a sad case, but then again, you are not alone. There is a lot like you among us.
    I am not going to throw nastiness at you. Instead I hope one day you grow up, and get help for the obvious anger issues you have.

  26. @Rich Taylor
    Thanks brother. I appreciate your comment.
    Iotwreport is among the last couple of sites I read daily and comment. I gave up on some of the supposedly conservative sites that promote leftist ideas, censor comments, ban people for speaking up and having opinion that does not align with their weird understanding of conservatism.
    I appreciate most people here and their comments, and in fact, I learned from some of them.
    I just wish there are more sane adults like and few others here that can disagree peacefully, and can share what they think without turning it into nastiness.
    Thanks again.


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