Ted Cruz: ‘You don’t stop bad guys by taking away our guns’ – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz: ‘You don’t stop bad guys by taking away our guns’

WaTimes: Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas on Monday blasted Democrats’ recent gun control push in the wake of the attack in San Bernardino, saying “a free and armed American citizenry is how we keep ourselves safe.”

ted cruz points

“What we need is a commander-in-chief who stands up and, number one, doesn’t engage in politically correct double speak, doesn’t refuse to say the words radical Islamic terrorism as Obama and Hillary and all the Democrats do, but number two who says we will defeat ISIS,” Mr. Cruz said on radio host Mike Gallagher’s show. “We are going to carpet bomb them into oblivion; we’re going to arm the Kurds, we are going to go and find them and hunt them down and kill them. That is the right response.”  read more

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