Ted Lieu confirms: This is a Fishing Expedition – IOTW Report

Ted Lieu confirms: This is a Fishing Expedition

Patriot Retort: Yesterday the White House released a statement regarding House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler’s ridiculous fishing expedition … sorry, investigation … of President Trump.

This caught the attention of Congressman Ted Lieu.

But of course it did.  Next to the Krassenstein brothers, Ted Lieu is the biggest annoying troll on Twitter.

And in his typical insufferable, snotty style, Lieu to umbrage at the use of the term “fishing expedition” to describe this fishing expedition.


I mean just because they’re casting a wide net doesn’t mean it’s a fishing expedition!!

Instead, it’s the House Judiciary Committee dropping a ton of lines in the water hoping to catch some big fish.

Now, it’s been a few years since I’ve been fishing, but that sounds to me like the definition of a fishing expedition.

What Ted fails to comprehend is the Judiciary Committee’s fishing hole is the exact same one Robert Mueller and his team have fished dry over the last two years.


12 Comments on Ted Lieu confirms: This is a Fishing Expedition

  1. All these big time Conservative Attorneys and Political types keep saying “in this country we investigate crimes not people”. Where’s the crime? This is beyond ridiculous. Who’s got the balls to stop it?

  2. When everyone is a co-conspirator in one form or another, the one guy that isn’t is way outnumbered. C’mon Trump, release every damn document you have on these traitors. What are you waiting for?!?!

  3. Brad – He needs to do that and I would like him to order the release of all the records concerning members of Congress and Senate payoffs for inappropriate actions. All of them regardless of party. Those assholes work for us and need to be held accountable by their peers, we the voters. I really want to see that list.

  4. I hated the way obama defied justice and hid all of his records and threw his executive umbrella over that snake Holder, but damn, I wish Trump would do so, also.

    Obama set the precedent for a president to hide everything. Just look at his presidential library debacle. No papers to be kept in it because they’ve been destroyed. It’s easier to rewrite history digitally.


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