Ted Lieu puts both feet in his mouth – IOTW Report

Ted Lieu puts both feet in his mouth


Democratic California Rep. Ted Lieu apologized Friday for a snarky tweet that mocked President Donald Trump’s trip to storm-ravaged Alabama to meet with tornado victims.

In response to the president’s Friday morning announcement that he was on his way to Alabama, Lieu wrote in a since-deleted tweet, “WE ARE IN THE THIRD WEEK OF THE NATIONAL EMERGENCY! Can you feel the emergency? Is this why [Trump] is going to Alabama, because we need to build a Wall along Alabama’s southern border? Oh wait, I just looked at the map ….” Lieu concluded his comment with the hashtag, “#FridayMorning Thoughts”.

Lieu later amended his hasty conclusion after taking flak from Twitter users and learning that the president was, in fact, visiting Alabama to meet with Americans who had lost loved ones and property in Sunday’s devastating tornadoes. MORE

13 Comments on Ted Lieu puts both feet in his mouth

  1. …do you notice these are “MORNING thoughts”?

    …it seems a LOT of liberals wake up and, first thing in the morning, think about how much they hate the President…this is not healthy and it COULD be argued, a sign of mental illness…

  2. Ted, Ted, Ted … t’is better to sit quietly and be thought a fool then to type on Twitter and remove all doubt.

    Didn’t your mamma ever teach you anything?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. If you are a barking mad moonbat, you are probably quite proud of Lieu. But, if you are a rational human being, you are no doubt embarrassed beyond belief. Thanks again, California, for another mentally challenged congress-critter!

  4. @Irate Nate: There’s plenty more mentally challenged Democrat politicians in other parts of the country. Just take a look at Congress’s voting history for Democrats. How about that OAC and muzzie running amuck? They aren’t from California. We need the crazies though, it will bring more people to our side.

  5. They should make a law that if you’re a politician at any level you can’t delete your tweets or instagram entries or accounts for five years after leaving office. This would also go for Facebook or whatever tech comes along. Bet that would make them think twice.


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