Ted Lieu’s Campaign Dumps Ed Buck Money – IOTW Report

Ted Lieu’s Campaign Dumps Ed Buck Money

WFB: The campaign of Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu announced Tuesday night it would be distancing itself from $18,500 in contributions the congressman has received in recent years from liberal donor Ed Buck after the Washington Free Beacon inquired about the money.

The Advocate reported that an unidentified “young African American man” died in Buck’s apartment early Monday morning, marking the second time an individual has died in Buck’s West Hollywood apartment. Gemmel Moore, a male escort, died in Buck’s residence during the summer of 2017. Moore’s death was ruled an accidental methamphetamine overdose.

“I’ve become addicted to drugs and the worst one at that,” Moore wrote in his journal in December 2016. “Ed Buck is the one to thank. He gave me my first injection of crystal meth.”

The Los Angeles district attorney did not bring charges against Buck for Moore’s death at the time, claiming that there was “insufficient evidence” to do so. Buck has maintained his innocence for the death. MORE

11 Comments on Ted Lieu’s Campaign Dumps Ed Buck Money

  1. Ted Lieu is a corrupt socialist piece of shit. He’s like that little dog that occasionally nips at your ankles. He deserves to be stepped on. His parents came from socialism and obviously didn’t appreciate the freedom available here. He might be able to shake Buck. But he can’t shake the standard motel.

  2. All thats missing is quentin tarrantino.

    Lieu bailed only because buck got caught murdering gay black men. Twice.

    On the other hand, Hillary clinton still doesnt care.

    Too bad obama never partied at buck’s house pre 2008. We may never have heard of him.

  3. No pity for the sleazy male whore and none for the creepy degenerate that facilitated his death. These are some of the sickest, perverted and sexually twisted lowlifes out there.
    As the cheap little congressman proves the democrat party is fueled by donations from deviants just like Buck.
    They can all burn in hell.

  4. The campaign would be distancing itself from $18,500… as in putting it in another account in a different state?
    Like most defecrats, Lieu is like the cockroach that runs behind the refrigerator when the kitchen light comes on.

    Love told Cannick. “I don’t know what he injected me with.”
    Ummmmm (raises hand)… I gotta pretty good idea!

  5. Buck’s got nothing to worry about.
    How many negro faggots did Obola have killed? I think it was three.
    He got away with it – why wouldn’t a big Partei donor?
    The Clintons murdered some 90 (people, not negro faggots – exclusively) and got away with it.
    Janet Reno got away with it (again, not negro faggots, but Americans).

    And the law “enforcement” agencies of CA don’t really seem too interested in dead negro faggots or Hollyweird pedophilia, so why waste time and resources?
    Mao screwed little girls brought by their parents to the Forbidden City just for his pleasure. Beria … oh … what’s the use? The “Party” has its own rationale and those at the top can do NO wrong – and EVERYBODY knows it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Lieu’s a scheming little ratbag who no doubt knew who Buck was, what he did (I suspect that he knows even more details about Bucks crimes than the cops) and only gave the money back because a second black man died, the optics began to turn and the cops were forced into re-investigating the first murder Buck skated on. When are the Blacks going to realize the Dems/Libs/Progs are not their friends.


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