Teddy Daniels Gives Forceful Speech at Pennsylvania Audit The Vote Rally, The Time is Now – IOTW Report

Teddy Daniels Gives Forceful Speech at Pennsylvania Audit The Vote Rally, The Time is Now

CTH: Teddy Daniels is a republican congressional candidate for Pennsylvania CD-08, Scranton, Pennsylvania. [Website Here]  Teddy Daniels is challenging Democrat incumbent Matt Cartwright in the 2022 mid-terms.  Daniels is on Twitter HERE, and he recently spoke at the Pennsylvania Audit The Vote rally. WATCH:

7 Comments on Teddy Daniels Gives Forceful Speech at Pennsylvania Audit The Vote Rally, The Time is Now

  1. Now that is what someone who is representing the people should sound like!!! My only regret is that I don’t live in PA to cast a vote for him….maybe I should ask a democrat in how to get around that….

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