Daily Caller: This week, we’ll cover one of the little-noticed ways mass Third World immigration is making our country more colorful: elder rape.
Usually the vibrant cultural diversity that immigrants bring runs more along the lines of child rape, drunk driving and food stamp fraud. But our official government policy of importing the Third World also means we’re going to have a lot more elder rape, too.
Thank you, Teddy Kennedy! Something for the seniors.
3rd world people as a general
rule are heathen savages.Fornicate
like an animal. Man Woman child animal
9 to 109…
This is why the Second Amendment is critical.
Teddy sews socks that smell.
As a side note…Go into a nursing home at night and you’ll find most of the staff sleeping or on their phones. Patients don’t get turned, medications are documented but not administered. During one of my clinical rotations I overheard an LVN say that she gave a patient colace instead of his prescribed pain med.
The progressives want the US to become a turd world country.