Teen falls 70 feet into Grand Canyon – IOTW Report

Teen falls 70 feet into Grand Canyon

The boy went over the edge on the North Rim and fell below Bright Angel Point.

19 Comments on Teen falls 70 feet into Grand Canyon

  1. Suicide is not painless (or victimless) according to MASH’s theme song. There is no way in hell that I would ever look down from that glass observation walkway high above the Grand Canyon. Just looking down into the abyss below would scare the hell out of me.

  2. Years ago our family did a half-day mule ride down into the canyon. Mules are big animals and some of the trails were harrowing, with the cliff edge mere inches from the animals’ hooves. And, we were told, the mules are trained to walk as closely to the edge and away from the side of the canyon walls as possible (to not get caught by the jagged face of the rock walls, I guess).

    The scenery and sheer awesomeness of the Grand Canyon — at least from the mule trail — was completely lost on me, for much of the ride.

  3. I heard from some idiot that the Grand Canyon is one of the nine wonders of the world.

    Seems there are many different lists of wonders…

    Anyway, God must have been involved. Surviving a 70ft drop landing on what I would assume to be rock.

    Simply amazing what the Lord can accomplish.

    Godspeed in his recovery!

  4. We have a place up North Ontario, it is called “dead mans drop”
    We were out on a pontoon boat liberally enibriated,one of my friends decides he is going to clime up the rock face and jump off.
    About halfway up he slips off,bounced into the water to much shagrin from those watching.But the man to his credit shrugged it off,next day he was black and blue from the waist down.
    When we were Kings.

  5. I did not know this, but you can drive down to the bottom of the GC. Saw a video of a guy driving down the dirt road. You have to get a permit first to do it, it’s on Indian land. The glass walkway is also an Indian venue. We’ve been to the walkway, but I wouldn’t pay to walk on it. Plenty of other places in the Canyon to off yourself without having to pay to do it, someone will jeopardize their life removing your body.

  6. Irate Nate AT 11:17 AM
    “Suicide at the Grand Canyon could be painless, it just depends on how many times you bounce on the way down”

    …suicide is always painful for those you leave behind.

    Nothimg causes more misery than leaving other people to not only deal with your corpse and settle your affairs, but to suffer the agonies of thinking that its somehow their fault or the fault of someone else in the family that you killed yourself, that something could have been done differently or that there is someone who can be accused of murder for you taking your own life.

    It is not unheard of for one suicide to cause another.

    Suicide is not painless.

    It is the most selfish act a person can commit, a false accusation against everone who loved you and a slap in the face of God Himself.

    And because of the insult to the Lord that formed you, what comes after is unlikely to be persomally painless as well.

    For all eternity.

  7. Every year at every National Park some idiots don’t think the warning signs apply to them, and fall to their death, or get gored by bison. Stupidity is so rampant in this country, the bureaucrats will end up putting fences around all that beauty, to protect idiots from themselves.

  8. Goldenfox.

    It’s 60 bucks per vehicle. You need a 4 wheel drive with clearance.
    It’s in Peach Springs. The road goes to the river where a lot of canyon expeditions pull out of the water.


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