Teen Put Into Foster Care Says, ‘There Was No Need to Take Me Away’ – IOTW Report

Teen Put Into Foster Care Says, ‘There Was No Need to Take Me Away’

Epoch Times:

A young man who recently aged out of foster care described years of ordeals and the pain of separation from his family. He says there was never a need for the government to take him in the first place.

His story underscores decades of pleas for reform of the child welfare system, which seems too often to remove children that likely would have fared better with their families.

Michael Ardt’s family had its issues. Like about 2 million other Americans, his parents, Janice and Michael Sr., got hooked on opioid prescription pills. It started with a pain pill prescription for his father’s neck injury in 2000; the parents later took the pills to get high and developed a dependency.

Meanwhile, the injury stifled the family income. Before they got their insurance money, their house was foreclosed, Janice told The Epoch Times.

That didn’t mean, however, that the family couldn’t take care of their two children.

“There wasn’t a need [for the government to get involved.] We weren’t getting abused or hurt in any way,” Michael said. “We were taken care of.” MORE HERE

11 Comments on Teen Put Into Foster Care Says, ‘There Was No Need to Take Me Away’

  1. Tried to get in the Epoch article and it kept spinning so could not read it.

    Did someone mention CPS?

    Myself, my wife and her mom were ‘accused’ and got involved with that shit and were early ‘exonerated’, like within the first visit.

    Our son, very young at the time (5), told a fellow child at school that, his grandmother ‘hit him with a wooden spoon with needles’.

    The first 24 hours did not even address the fact that my son had no wounds, bruises or otherwise. Complete hysteria on the part of some control freak that waaaay over reacted on us and we had controlled chaos on our part in our house for weeks, and as you can tell, to this day an issue.

    CPS said no abuse and well IF he was hit, it was…get ready for this. CULTURAL. Mrs. G is Italian American and therefore g-ma is good to go with the spoon discipline, BUT SHE NEVER HIT THEM WITH A SPOON well yeah maybe a threat or two.

    Will never forget the strain it put on my family. As a matter of fact my father in law DIED not too long after that.


  2. In many cases CPS staffers are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Hambone, here in Vermont a staffer was murdered walking out of her office on the way home a few years ago. The murderer also murdered three other members of her own family. We’ve had cases where children have been killed after being returned to their family and other situations, perhaps similar to this story, where children are taken out of the home for what appear as flimsy reasons. I would like to thing that the vast majority of staffers are really trying to do what is best for the children under difficult circumstances.

  3. Back when my daughter was 4 and was in the care of my own parents (I was active duty Navy, my wife had abandoned both of us and disappeared – she would not re-emerge for another 4 years) one of my half-sisters made an accusation of sexual abuse by my father against my daughter. It was an attempt to blackmail him into paying money she believed ‘he owed her.’
    Because my boat had just returned from a deployment days prior to this, the crew was in stand-down (I only needed to report for duty once every 4 days for the two weeks of stand-down), I just happened to get home to NYC right as the CPS investigator was there. She had already interviewed my daughter and both of my parents, so she spoke with me. After hearing what I had to say about the situation, she admitted to me it was her belief no abuse had occurred, but due to the bureaucracy she could not make the final determination, it had to be investigated by the NYPD as well.
    NYPD assigned a female detective to the case that had already made up her mind my father was guilty and she was going to somehow prove it.
    We had to take my daughter for multiple medical exams to ascertain there was no physical signs of any abuse. (There wasn’t.) However, one of the administrators at the Navy Clinic at my base we brought her to threatened to have me kicked out of the Navy because it was her opinion a single father should not be serving his country and she didn’t know why the recruiters were allowed to sign up a volunteer who was already married with a young child.
    It took nearly six months for the investigation to end and my father to be cleared. During that time, my father suffered a near-fatal heart attack from the stress he was under. (He would never fully recover, and passed away less than 4 years later.) I fully expected CPS to come and take my daughter away at some point during all of this. It was a miracle they didn’t, and I believe it was all due to how sure the initial investigator – the one that went in without a preconceived bias in her head and only looked at the facts – was that no abuse had occurred and that it was in the best interests of my daughter to remain with her grandparents for the time being.
    I hear these stories of kids being taken from their families (the Jessica Pelletier story especially hit me hard) and think of how close that was to being me and my daughter. No family should have to go through this kind of stress and heartbreak.


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