Teen Suing Doctors For Removing Breasts At Age 13, Putting Her On Puberty Blockers – IOTW Report

Teen Suing Doctors For Removing Breasts At Age 13, Putting Her On Puberty Blockers

“I don’t think I should have been allowed to change my sex before I could legally consent to have sex,” Layla said during a Fox News appearance this past week. “I don’t think I’m better off for the experience, and I think transition just completely added fuel to the fire that was my pre-existing conditions.” MORE

12 Comments on Teen Suing Doctors For Removing Breasts At Age 13, Putting Her On Puberty Blockers

  1. “I don’t think I’m better off for the experience, and I think transition just completely added fuel to the fire that was my pre-existing conditions.”

    Translated: I’m worthless, I no longer am the person I was born to be. I have nothing, I have no future. Money will not make you whole again, nothing will. Sorry that you wanted to be popular, you’re now the town freak. There’s no doubt that she hounded her parents and everyone involved that she wanted to be a fictional male. Too late, no reproducing for you – just as well that you’re going to miss out on being who you were born to be.

  2. You have to KEEP SUING these Doctors, Governments & Health Plans until they LIMIT their Malpractice & Mutilation to people OVER 18 & who SELF FUND BEING NEUTERED.

    Jordan Peterson feels the same way.

  3. @Brown Eyed Girl: And who knew that it’s fashionable. For instance, I had no idea Jamie Lee Curtis has one of them freaks of hers she gave birth to. Her son dresses up and thinks he’s female, and Jamie introduces it as her daughter. Insanity meet insanity.

  4. Oh, and after all…go sue the stupid commie fux that put the idea in your head in the first place! I don’t care if it was a teacher, friend, or family member…you can plead you stupidity allowed them to sway you!

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