Teen Vogue’s New Editor Alexi McCammond Ranted About “Blacks”, Dressed As Native American – IOTW Report

Teen Vogue’s New Editor Alexi McCammond Ranted About “Blacks”, Dressed As Native American

National Pulse –

While the Axios reporter-turned-Teen Vogue Editor-in-Chief apologized for her past tweets, the new revelations are likely to re-incite controversy as they portray McCammond dressed as a native American for Hallowe’en. This is what the left calls “cultural appropriation” and they frequently attempt to “cancel” people for the “crime”. more

9 Comments on Teen Vogue’s New Editor Alexi McCammond Ranted About “Blacks”, Dressed As Native American

  1. More pathetic, synthetic “problems”!
    The Left is the Mobil 1™ of Crises!

    Global Warming Crisis
    Virus Crisis
    Border Crisis
    Racism Crisis
    White Supremacy Crisis
    Reparations Crisis
    Gender Crisis
    Sexuality Crisis
    Poverty Crisis
    Grammer Crisis (gender neutrality)
    History Crisis (topple all those statues)
    Culture Appropriation Crisis
    Cancel Culture Crisis
    Muppet show warnings
    Dr Seuss and Mr Potato Head Crisis

    But above all – “Never Tell The Truth!”
    At all times Lie, Deny and Blame the other guy!
    Never let a good crisis go to waste!
    Don’t have a good crisis?
    Just whip one up!!
    Aaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnd welcome to the New Communism of the 21st Century!

  2. @ TRF MARCH 16, 2021 AT 11:52 AM

    From the age of fifteen I recognized that all of these fake crises are a function of a society that is not facing any external crises that the entire population coalesces around. That impressed me as perhaps the function the nature of mankind. “People” need something to belong to and believe in. When a society loses an external enemy that the vast majority stands against it is easy for internal enemies to make headway. It further complicates things when a society loses confidence in the righteousness of it’s own culture. Critical Theory is the tool that the progressive movement has used to foster the latter.

  3. JD – Pretty much the same tactics that dictators use to gain power down thru history.
    Create an “enemy” that needs to be fought. Focus all attention on that “enemy” while they consolidate power and rob the county blind!


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