Teflon Don takes first Republican presidential debate – IOTW Report

Teflon Don takes first Republican presidential debate

8 Comments on Teflon Don takes first Republican presidential debate

  1. Trump has a ‘snowball chance in hell’ of being elected.

    But he is voicing some of the anger… no, actually rage that the people in ‘flyover’ America has at the government.

    The political class has NO IDEA this actually exists. That seething anger.

    They are insulated from that by layers of flunkies and ass kissers. Their toadies will carefully screen attendees at ‘Town Hall’ meetings. They filter the phone calls and the letters.

  2. He expresses a lot of the anger I have but his menstrual reference about Megyn Kelly is a red flag. no pun intended. I don’t want his finger near the nuke button. I caught hell yesterday for saying I thought he made a mistake to attack both Kelly AND Fox News, but that’s just him – make your choice.

  3. Who cares at this stage of the game. All I want Trump to keep doing is getting into the craniums of the so-called elite(ist) power brokers and for him to continue to mobilize the, up until now, silent Americans! I want him to keep throwing monkey wrenches into the works no matter how bitterly he is attacked by the scoundrels now running the country! Get on board the Trump Express or get out of the way. Time to take back the country and turn it around! Go Donald go make them sad while we are glad!!!!!!!

  4. That comment was, in the current sewer system of entertainment and everyday dialogue, rated ‘G’! Man, there are plenty more and serious issues to be concerned about than rather he meant her nose or her??????

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