Tehran Pete – IOTW Report

Tehran Pete

Patriot Retort:

Thursday, when it became clear that Iran shot down a commercial jetliner, Tehran Pete Buttigieg immediate took to Twitter to blame America.

“Innocent civilians are now dead,” Tehran Pete tweeted, “because they were caught in the middle of an unnecessary and unwanted military tit for tat.  My thoughts are with the families and loved ones of all 176 souls lost aboard this flight.”

It’s amazing, isn’t it? It isn’t just the American news media that is enlisting in Iran’s propaganda war. It’s Democrat Presidential candidates.

Iran shoots down a Ukrainian airliner in Iranian airspace during an Iranian missile attack on bases in Iraq, and Tehran Pete blames America.

Then yesterday, after Iran finally admitted that they shot down the civilian plane, that grinning little puke Javad Zarif tweeted out this:

22 Comments on Tehran Pete

  1. The divide is probably irreversible, let’s physically divide the land while we still control the White House.

    I don’t see any way in Hell to try and continue living together with the percentage of Assholes that fail to have even the slightest modicum of common sense but prefer to openly display their ignorance and abject stupidity.

  2. “…unnecessary and unwanted military tit for tat…”

    What a prissy, preachy little bitch. He makes it sound like inappropriate behavior in the break room, as if Trump groped and poor, harassed Iran tried to slap him.

    Hard to believe he ever served in Afghanistan. I thought he was the gay Kasich, but he’s really a young, gay Jimmah Carter.

  3. “The question is…who was on that plane…”

    It turns out that all of the “Canadians” on the plane were Iranian-Canadians, taking advantage of Canada’s liberal visa policy. They all still be alive if Canada was more restrictive.

    Speaking of visas, Hillary’s State Dept made iit possible for Iranians here on student visas to gallivant back and forth between here and Iran whenever they wanted, instead of making them stay here while on a student visa.

    “NIAC [National Iranian American Council] led the campaign to fix the Single-Entry Visa policy and to allow Iranian students to receive multiple entry visas, educating officials in the White House, State Department, and Congress about this issue.”


  4. Does Pete Buttplug realize that if he were to live in Iran then he would probably be tossed off a tall building because he is a butt pirate? Does he realize that he is defending an Islamic savages nation that hates and executes gays?

    Is he that stupid? Apparently he is that dumb and a traitor to boot.

  5. jellybean
    JANUARY 11, 2020 AT 6:55 PM
    “The divide is probably irreversible, let’s physically divide the land while we still control the White House.”

    …”Obama’s” legacy, just as the Bible predicted, note the last verse in particular to YOUR comment…

    “36 And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.

    37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.

    38 But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.

    39 Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.”

    Daniel 11:36-39

    …”Obama” is a Biblical character.

    It’s not a compliment.

    The Bible chronicles many evil people. Barry fits in there somewhere between Herod the Great and Satan…

  6. …BTW, who the hell clears a commercial aircraft for takeoff when air defenses are placed on high alert due to acts of war in the immediate area?

    ..someone who WANTS it shot down, is who.

    …remember the USS Vincennes incident. Remember all the bad press the US got from THAT?

    …bet THEY do…



    …the devil is not creative, so he will ALWAYS have his Muslim followers try to play the hits…


  7. Hey Buttplug, just your thoughts are with the dead airliner passengers? What about your PRAYERS? I thought you were the religious Democrat Party candidate?

    You probably belong to one of those abominations like JW’s, Unitarians or the gay wing of Methodists

  8. In America, we don’t kill faggots. We just let them kill themselves.

    Personnaly, I don’t even want to get close enough to a fag to kill him.

    (I guess I am mellowing – I’m using the word “fag” instead of “queer”).


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