Tell Me Again Why I should Care About #BLM? – IOTW Report

Tell Me Again Why I should Care About #BLM?

DMF: It’s well known that in cities like Chicago and Baltimore, people like to spend long weekends blazing away at each other in the streets. Even with extra cops on the beat, they can’t  stop the bloodshed.  A recent story in the Chicago Tribune included a handy map showing where the city’s shootings happen. The big dots are  multiple victims, and the red dots are fatalities. There are five rather than four red dots, because someone was knifed to death. The article also told us about some of the nice people–including a 14-year-old girl–who were killed.

What it didn’t tell us was who did the shooting. Not one word. Police superintendent Eddie Johnson was sure about one thing, though. He said the weekend was “another example of too many guns on the street.” Too many guns.

“Nearly all the shootings were in the West and South”–those guns seem to congregate in these places. The Tribune added that these very neighborhoods “bore the brunt of shootings during the Memorial Day weekend as well.”

I looked up the Chicago Tribune article about the Memorial Day mayhem and learned that there were 69 shootings and six dead. But again not one word on who, if anyone, is firing those guns. If you go all the way back to January 2 of this year, the Tribune tried to explain the violence in a long piece called, “Chicago Violence, Homicides, and Shootings up in 2015.”   MORE

See Also:

Ever Notice Black Protest Pictures Always Seem to Have a Crazy Looking Fat White Chick?

21 Comments on Tell Me Again Why I should Care About #BLM?

  1. Jay Stalien, police officer:

    “All of my realizations came to this conclusion. Black Lives do not matter to most black people. Only the lives that make the national news matter to them. Only the lives that are taken at the hands of cops or white people, matter. The other thousands of lives lost, the other black souls that I along with every cop, have seen taken at the hands of other blacks, do not matter. Their deaths are unnoticed, accepted as the “norm”, and swept underneath the rug by the very people who claim and post “black lives matter”. I realized that this country is full of ignorance, where an educated individual will watch the ratings-driven news media, and watch a couple YouTube video clips, and then come to the conclusion that they have all the knowledge they need to have in order to know what it feels like to have a bullet proof vest as part of your office equipment,..”

    Amazing, sober testimony from a man whose work puts him in the eye of the storm every work day. Please read the rest:

  2. If Black lives mattered, then they would not:
    Abort their own children on an industrial scale
    Embrace their victim-hood as a lifestyle
    Shoot each other over every minor disagreement
    Abandon their children to squalor and poverty
    Accept their ignorance as a badge of Race Honor
    Rob and beat their own Elderly Citizens
    Embrace crime as a viable lifestyle
    Make their only ‘art form’ (rap ‘music’) a glorification of every base desires attributable to Mankind
    Let someone else pay for the food their children eat.
    Bitch about slavery 24-7 but admire and glorify Pimps and Muslim Culture
    Hate the Police who protect them

  3. I’ve been thinking about this, as I’m sure many of you have. I’ve seen comments all over the place from my friends, black and white, about their experiences. And what I mostly hear from the at least semi-rational pro-BLM crowd is ‘Of course all lives matter. But right now we are focusing on black lives because the inequality is so high.’
    OK, but what I don’t ever hear is that their culture has anything to do with the problem. So what I hear, in its absence, is ‘Black lives matter. We are oppressed by whites. We refuse to change the way we live, the ‘thug life’ culture that many of us present, or even our insistence on remaining segregated if we choose to. You don’t get that choice but you have to respect us for wanting that.’
    And that is why we are apart. I treat everyone respectfully, as a child of God, a unique individual, until he or she shows me that he deserves no respect. He is still a child of God, but if he shows me no respect then I will respond accordingly.

  4. Still convinced there’s nothing sincere about BLM; it’s just one compartment of the Left’s decades-long indoctrination and psyop that’s just about brought us to the end.

    BLM deliberately gins up hatred on all sides, in order to provoke someone, somewhere, to violence, which is then recycled into more ginning up of hate speech. The ultimate end is to refute the 2A and get guns out of the hands of all law abiding citizens, most of whom are white. So…BLM is made to order.

    That is why the submoronic BLM spokesgirl had NO honest answer to Jesse Lee Peterson’s simple question, “What exactly does BLM want from white people?” At first I figured she was so stupid and programmed that she simply had never stopped to consider that question. And that’s very probably true.

    But the more I think about it, given what we know about the Left’s tactics I wonder if she didn’t answer because there actually ISN’T a reasonable answer. One doesn’t exist and never will because what BLM says is the point ISN’T the point.

    It’s all about violence for its own sake, leading to continued societal corrosion, eventual collapse, then replacement by Utopia. That’s the omelet they’re aiming for; in the meantime, eggs gotta be broken.

  5. If blacks really cared about their lives they wouldn’t listen to and follow the four slimy Reverends of the Apocalypse i.e., Sharpton, Jackson, Wright, and Obama!

  6. All pithy comments. The elephant in the room — black-on-black homicide and every other conceivable crime committed by blacks against blacks. Until we, as a nation, get over those stubborn thoughts that they are ‘different’ than any one else (not just different than whites, but Hispanics, Asians, Indians, Natives of all kinds), we will have to *accommodate* their mysterious ‘otherness’ that is killing their ‘community’ and everyone else’s.

    I think it would be shitty to arise each day knowing that those who lead my ‘community’ are heaping pity and contempt on my head because every time they open their mouths all I hear is how needy I am of the same things everyone else seems to acquire for themselves through their own efforts.

  7. The dream of the true black leader–that one day his children might be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character–remains a dream, actively thwarted by the BLM movement. If they wanted to see that dream realized, they would assert that ALL LIVES MATTER based on the content of the character.

  8. Cashing in on your loved one’s death:

    Short rap sheet of mama Castile:

    Despite numerous felony convictions in Minnesota for Mrs. Valerie Castile (DOB 05/30/1956) including: second degree assault, fraudulently obtaining public assistance; as well as misdemeanor convictions for theft (three times), prostitution, DUI and public nuisance; and despite serving a 3-year-term in federal prison for felony forgery [21CCR-525244], Valerie Castile is fortunately supported by the overall public and by the Black Lives Matter movement.

    I was struck by the grieving woman’s photo:

    Mama Valerie Castile’s account leading the way with $163,674
    Big Sis Allysza’s account comes in second with $60,939
    Lavish Reynolds account third with a paultry $30,294

    Looks like being the bereaved mother/sister/girlfriend of a gang banger is like hitting the jackpot. Could this be why we’re seeing a lot more YT and other on-scene videos/photos of this stuff? How many black-on-black pay days have there been? That’s right. None. Unless a black cop was involved.

  9. AbigailAdams,

    Pithy how? Just for citing facts?

    Fact is, most urban blacks today ARE different. Not because they’re black; were that the case men like Thomas Sowell and Clarence Thomas should not exist (an argument I still have with my aged father).

    Many blacks today are different because their mothers and fathers ALLOWED themselves to be MADE different from what they had been. Who’d they let do it to them? We all know the answer to that: liberals/leftists, starting with communist agitators in the ’40s, up through LBJ in the ’60s, and everything since. WE did not do that to blacks; they let Democrats do it to them and many blacks still do.

    We are not at fault for pointing out that many of them would be completely unrecognizable and abhorrent to their great-great grandparents who worked steady jobs, did not expect handouts, paid their taxes, had cohesive, loving families and were good citizens. Things are VERY different, by design of the Left, and there’s noting pithy about pointing it out. The word you want is “honest.”

    PS That was not my downthumb to you, btw. I do that only for drive by trolls when they sneak in here.

  10. BTW…my understanding of “pithy” has always been on the order of “pissy,” something negative. If that was not how you intended it, I apologize and retract my last post.

  11. Grool — Pithy: “pith·y

    (of language or style) concise and forcefully expressive.
    synonyms: succinct · terse · concise · compact · short (and sweet)
    (of a fruit or plant) containing much pith.

    No, the word I wanted is “pithy.”

  12. Lavish Reynolds saw her thug boyfriend get shot and she immediately started taking pictures of his dead body to enter into the “Dead Thug Sweepstakes”! Looks like she and his family got lucky that he died they way he did and that they were the fortunate recipients ready, able, and willing to claim their jackpot!

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