Tennessee Firearms Association Supports ‘Constitutional Carry’ Bill Sponsored by State Rep. Bruce Griffey – IOTW Report

Tennessee Firearms Association Supports ‘Constitutional Carry’ Bill Sponsored by State Rep. Bruce Griffey

Tennessee Star:

The Tennessee Firearms Association (TFA) announced its support for what it called a “real” constitutional carry bill filed by State Representative Bruce Griffey (R-Paris) for the upcoming legislative session.

Late last week, John Harris, executive director of TFA, “Tennessee’s only no-compromise gun organization,” sent an email to its members and released a podcast discussing Griffey’s HB0018.

“Constitutional carry,” as Harris explains in his podcast, is “a term that refers to the right of citizens who can legally possess firearms to carry those firearms without paying the state a fee, undergoing a state background check or undergoing state-mandated training.”

About 18 states have some form of constitutional carry, according to Harris, including four of Tennessee’s border states – Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas and Mississippi.

Additionally, approximately 30 states, including 7 of the 8 states that border Tennessee, have permit-less open carry. read more

30 Comments on Tennessee Firearms Association Supports ‘Constitutional Carry’ Bill Sponsored by State Rep. Bruce Griffey

  1. We’re listening to Rush in the shop this morning and every time they break for a news break the MSM is warning that rabid armed Trumps supporters are going to show up at 50 state Capitals on the 20th of this month. And the FBI is claiming they’ve identified at least one Militia headed for DC to stop the inauguration. The Communists are laying the ground work to take your guns. And they’re trying to move fast so we don’t have time to react.

  2. Parlers CEO released a statement earlier today that they maybe SOL. They can’t find any new vendors that are willing to work with them. Apparently Amazon is leaning on all of them. Parler has already filed a law suit against Amazom.

  3. Waah. it’s over. Parler will never be back. They’re gonna put us in jail, they’ll kill everybody.

    SHUT THE FUCK UP. I’m dead serious.
    Every fucking time I put up a post so that you can go encourage your motherfucking state officials (especially those who are in the process of changing election laws in the Constitution’s favor) I hear waaah it’ll never work, they’re never do it. How do you know? Do you KNOW every single person in your state legislature? NO. You don’t. Pick up your phone, email them, send them a box of chocolates with a “good job, buddy” message. Fight or shut the fuck up!!!!!

    If you want to cry, discourage others, you are NOT doing it here.

  4. RadioMattM

    These bastards are currently moving so fast they must be confident that they have the deck stacked. Or guns scare the shit out of them. Their immediate goal looks to be to take our weapons. We need to get organized at a local level. Antifa and BLM are already back at it. We are in a bad spot.

  5. I am not saying Parler won’t be back. I was merely saying they are down right now. I see no reason why someone cannot step up and and provide servers that aren’t under the control of Big Tech. That is what capitalism is all about. If people are prevented from doing that then we have bigger problems to overcome and we can deal with them should that be the case.

    But we can’t deal with problems if we can’t identify what they are.

  6. You can always have the gun groups warn others not to go. Tell your friends not to go.
    Who would be that stupid to show up with a gun at any capitol, now that mr. UNITY biden has been crowned anyway?

    Let antifa show up. let blm show up. If the Feds kill them all, they’d be doing us a favor.

  7. RadioMattM I’m not talking about you. I’m talking about the behavior of others, mainly the anons who come in here saying to give up. We can’t do anything. How is that helpful? How is that rational?

  8. MJA

    I hope you don’t think I’m whining. I’m not. I’m pissed. I wish we could get organized enough to get ahead of these assholes. And I have no problem with the V word.

  9. Thanks MJA.

    Brad: Years ago I had a book about the history of television. It was a collection of articles, one of which was about canned laughter. The guy who wrote the article was involved in the production of a sitcom. The producer told him to add some laughter after a line. The author said “That line was not funny.” He was told to add the laughter anyway. A couple of weeks later he and the producer were watching the finished show. The line went by followed by the (added canned) laughter. The producer heard the laughter and said “Just listen to that. I told you that line was funny.”

    I think the left is like that producer. They think most people agree with them because they only associate with people that do and their works reflect the same views. Such is not the case. They are in for a rude awakening.

  10. The left doesn’t realize this will affect them too. Not yet.
    Where you live now, that is your best option at fighting biden.
    Your state. Even the liberal ones.

    As for the woke corp, they’ll be back in a couple months like, “Ohhh we were just mad, we’re over it now, come back”
    Don’t do it. If it isn’t life-sustaining product (you can survive without twitter, facebook, chik fil a, hollywood) ice them. Hard.

  11. Of all the millionaires and billionaires this world has.
    If Parler has to use a server from someone in Taiwan, a casino giant(hint hint) or some asshole who has a mansion full of leopards in Russia, fuck it. Do it.
    Telegram app is Russian. Tons of people are on that.

  12. People who support “hate speech” laws support them believing that the laws will never apply to them. Once they do, those people will be screaming the loudest.

    If people knew history at all they would know that those that help tyrants take over are usually killed once the tyrants are in control.

  13. “I see no reason why someone cannot step up and and provide servers that aren’t under the control of Big Tech.”

    Which servers would those servers be?

    It would be useful information to have a list of them.

  14. I live in TN and will be getting with my state rep to make sure he’s on board… Open Carry is a good idea and i don’t want MJA to kick my ass (or smother me with her pillow). Heh



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