Tennessee GOP Says Intensity of Far-Left Protests Has Increased – IOTW Report

Tennessee GOP Says Intensity of Far-Left Protests Has Increased

WFB: Republican members of the Tennessee legislature say they are concerned about the increased willingness for physical confrontation exhibited by protesters, two of whom were charged with assault last week after cornering a group of lawmakers in the Capitol building.

The latest clash came on Thursday, when protesters demanding the removal of a bust of a Confederate general mobbed lawmakers and threw a cup of coffee into a group of them. The confrontation led to the arrest of activists Justin Jones and Jeneisha Harris, who were hit with assault and disorderly conduct charges.

The presence of Jones, who has been temporarily banned from the Capitol, has become commonplace in recent years, but the willingness to physically confront members has increased, Republicans say.

Jones was arrested last year for trespassing and resisting arrest after he disrupted a campaign event for Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R., Tenn.), but the physical confrontation is new. Two weeks before this Thursday’s assault arrest, Jones “bumped” Speaker Glen Casada in the halls of the Capitol while demanding a meeting on the Confederate bust.

Republican lawmaker Cameron Sexton told the Free Beacon his caucus fears what will come next.

“What we are seeing on a national level with the escalation of far-left extremists attacking conservative leaders has trickled down to Tennessee,” Sexton said.  more

15 Comments on Tennessee GOP Says Intensity of Far-Left Protests Has Increased

  1. “The confrontation led to the arrest of activists Justin Jones and Jeneisha Harris, who were hit with assault and disorderly conduct charges.”

    So what meaningful penalties did or will they pay for this?

    Maybe like the inaugural rioters that were arrested and charged with felonies then much later, after the public forgot about them, quietly had their cases dropped?

    They usually become hero’s to their side by doing this are rarely suffer any negative consequences.

    Behavior that is rewarded is repeated.

  2. Not sure because they’re losing, Dan. I’m thinking it is because they believe they can get away with it. Mob mentality. We are edging closer to things getting truly ugly, as the lefties are heading for a rude awakening.

  3. The same hypocritical pieces of shit have absolutely no problem with naming public schools in honor of Woodrow Wilson, the most racist/segregationist President since the Civil War, if not in the nation’s history. The bastard actually resegregated the federal workforce and military, both of which had been largely desegregated under his predecessors both Republican and Democrat.

    They deserve absolutely no respect whatsoever and the shame of it is, it is due to eRepublican cowardice that they are not prosecuted.

  4. Bill Ayers threw bombs, correct?
    Yet he has lived a lush life, enjoying adulation, privilege and safety, comforts he denied to others.

    Often stated, our government sucks feces and lawyers need to pay us all enormous reparations.

  5. Mr. Jones: “The white men who have a monopoly on violence in [Tennessee] like Rep. Andy Holt are now hiding behind facades as champions of nonviolence,” he wrote on Twitter. “The same men who seek the proliferation of guns and deny access to healthcare.”

    This guy has spent time in prison, where he got radicalized. Or maybe college.

  6. What we are seeing on a national level with the escalation of far-left extremists attacking conservative leaders

    Bolsheviks and Mensheviks. Trotskyites and Stalinists. National Socialists and Globalists.

    Keep knifing comrades.

  7. Well of course. They are invited by Mad Max and the freshmen congressional rabel rousers. All they want is chaos. As long as they aren’t held accountable, they will be well funded by commie groups and encouraged by the madness of the demoncrat party, which is not ‘Democratic’.

  8. The republican legislators at both the national and state level said nothing when those commiefag antifa beat up trump people.

    therefore, i litterally could not care less what type of treatment these legislators get.

    Do they think they’re more important or something?

    F them


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