Tennessee GOP: We’ll Pull Funding If You Don’t Open Schools – IOTW Report

Tennessee GOP: We’ll Pull Funding If You Don’t Open Schools

Daily Wire-

Tennessee GOP Targets Nashville, Memphis School Districts: We’ll Pull Funding If You Don’t Open Schools.

The Tennessee GOP, disturbed that the Nashville and Memphis public school districts have not returned to in-person classes, has filed a bill that would permit Tennessee’s education commissioner to yank some or all of a school district’s state funding if the district doesn’t offer at least 70 days of in-person K-8 classes by the end of the 2020-2021 school year.

The bill was filed by House Majority Leader William Lamberth and Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson. “Funds also could be withheld if public schools don’t offer in-person learning options to elementary and middle school students all 180 days of the 2021-22 academic year,” The Tennessean reported.

The two school districts contain roughly one-fifth of all the state’s public school students. The money is allocated to districts through the Basic Education Program (BEP). read more

7 Comments on Tennessee GOP: We’ll Pull Funding If You Don’t Open Schools

  1. not a single kid in school last year and the 2020 taxes were even more expensive than 2019

    my school taxes have been 4X the amount of my prop taxes for the last 5 years

  2. If these teachers, who have now proven just how unessential they are, want to stay home and cower in the basement that’s fine. But, they should do it on their own dime. Fire their asses and hire some people who are willing to do the job.

  3. Same here in NYS taxes keep rising and services are slipping. If the kids aren’t in school full time, why are we paying for lesser service. Online schooling doesn’t work for squat. They know it.

  4. We have an upcoming special election next month for our local school district to raise our taxes by a levy to improve schools again. I’ll be voting no as usual. Besides I do not have any kids in their schools anyway, so why should I have to pay more more taxes every other year it seems to always be improving public schools.

  5. Nashville and Memphis?
    RU shittin me?
    Whether they attend school or not is absolutely immaterial. The schools of Nashville and Memphis MUST be on a par with NYC and Chicago! Useless. In fact, worse than useless – breeding grounds for criminality, laziness, intellectual stultification, ignorance, propaganda, Godlessness, hate, envy, and suppressed communication skills.

    They should return all the money and just hand out HS diplomas to every maggot who survives to 18. But, of course, financing the teachers’ Unions and supporting the worthless parasitical “teachers” is the point – not “education.”

    izlamo delenda est …

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