Tennessee Legislature Passes Election Integrity Bill Requiring Watermarks on Absentee Ballots – IOTW Report

Tennessee Legislature Passes Election Integrity Bill Requiring Watermarks on Absentee Ballots

Conservative Brief-

The Tennessee Legislature has passed a major reform bill that would require all absentee ballots to contain a watermark for added security.

As noted by The Center Square, the state House passed the Tennessee Election Integrity Act on a 92-1 vote last week.

On Monday, 27 state senators voted in favor of the measure, while one member who was present abstained from voting.

“We just passed legislation I co-sponsored that requires a non-visible watermark be placed on every mailed absentee ballot, further ensuring the integrity of ballots and elections in TN,” GOP state Rep. Jason Zachary tweeted April 27. “No watermark, the ballot is rejected.”

The bill now heads to GOP Gov. Bill Lee, who is expected to sign it into law. more

6 Comments on Tennessee Legislature Passes Election Integrity Bill Requiring Watermarks on Absentee Ballots

  1. I still say the best way to minimize fake ballots at industrial levels is to put a SERIAL NUMBER ON EACH BALLOT.
    – One vote per serial number
    There may still be fraud, but it would be small ball compared to the massive Biden ballot dumps election night.

  2. Good. I hope all states are looking at what other states are doing to increase vote integrity and incorporate like measures.

    A day may come where it’s obvious that those states that don’t do measures like this want cheating to happen.

  3. Dadof4
    P.S. Update regarding the Marina copyright/Moonlight issue.

    After several emails sent since May 2, no answer. So, I assume, either the Moonlight Sonata/Public Domain issue had been either resolved or she moved on; or, she did not need any assistance from my corner.


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