Tennessee passes bill forcing drunk drivers to pay child support if they kill parents of minors – IOTW Report

Tennessee passes bill forcing drunk drivers to pay child support if they kill parents of minors


House Bill 1834 will require defendants convicted of vehicular homicide due to intoxication or aggravated vehicular homicide, and the victim of the crime is the parent of a minor, to pay child support to the surviving parent or guardian of the child.

The restitution payments would mirror similar child support laws, with the defendant being required to make payments until the each child in question reaches the age of 18.

The court will determine the payment amount based on the standard of living to which the child is accustomed to, and financial needs and resources of the child and the living parent or guardian, which would include the state if the child is in custody of the department of children’s services.

According to the bill’s summary, “If a defendant who is ordered to pay child maintenance pursuant to this bill is incarcerated and unable to pay the required maintenance, then the defendant will have up to one year after release from incarceration to begin payment. If a defendant’s child maintenance payments are set to terminate but the defendant’s obligation is not paid in full, the payments will continue until paid in full.” read more

20 Comments on Tennessee passes bill forcing drunk drivers to pay child support if they kill parents of minors

  1. Good luck collecting that from a bunch of welfare maggots.
    I don’t know Tennessee, but I’ve been through Nashville and Memphis and it looks like ghetto to me. They sure as Hell don’t GAF about fixing the roads.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I didn’t read the entire article but do these child support payments preclude the possibility of a civil suit?
    Law seems kind of specific. I wonder what the frequency of this is.

  3. Who pays? Insurance or the drunk driver? Good luck with that, esp from illegal aliens. Also, what if someone with no kids is killed? His loved ones get jack? Feel good bill, nothing more

  4. Illegal aliens biggest offenders. Good luck getting them to show up to court, let alone pay. And the multi-tiered Justice system continues.

    Sidebar: in 2003 my new truck was clobbered by a 9 month pregnant welfare queen, driving with expired license, expired tags, no insurance, when she ran a red light. I won a judgement against her. 19 years later I have yet to receive compensation for my deductible.


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