Tennessee Rep. Introducing Bill to Allow Crowdfunding of Trump Border Wall – IOTW Report

Tennessee Rep. Introducing Bill to Allow Crowdfunding of Trump Border Wall

Breitbart: A Tennessee congresswoman is introducing a bill that would allow the American people to donate money to help build President Donald Trump’s famed border wall.

Rep. Diane Black, a Tennessee Republican who is also running for governor of her state, promised to introduce H.R. 5876, legislation that would create a “border wall trust fund” to which average citizens could donate. The funds would be used for “whatever it takes to build the wall,” according to Fox News.

“While Democrats block commonsense border security and put illegal immigrants before our families, we are going to put America first. Real immigration reform cannot be achieved without a secure border — President Trump has been clear about this since day one,” Black said in a May 18 statement. “The most important job of the federal government is the safety and security of the American people, and if citizens in our country wish to contribute to this effort, they absolutely should be given the opportunity.” read more

9 Comments on Tennessee Rep. Introducing Bill to Allow Crowdfunding of Trump Border Wall

  1. mixed emotions. WHY should we pay out of pocket for something our taxes should pay for?DAMN THE DEMS AND RINOS. Do what the American people voted for.

  2. Perhaps if enough true Americans began to contribute to this fund, the Dems and Rinos in Congress would see they stand on the wrong side of history and they need to back the US, not the illegals.
    It could potentially be a wake-up call.

  3. “It could potentially be a wake-up call.”

    Not a chance, unless it is coupled with saying every R congressional parasite who doesnt vote to start construction NOW will be voted out, without exception, and hundreds of conservatives actively get to work on their removal so it’s clear we are serious. That might do it.

  4. Get your moron political party to vote together and fund the “Wall” quit the stupid idea to fleece the citizens that elected the President and you boneheads.

  5. There’s a pot of gold waiting for some intrepid politician who will go after these employers who have been skirting taxes by working all these illegals. Target them and there’ll be plenty of funds for the wall.


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