Tennessee Valley Authority Indictments Were Related to Biden Crime Family & Biden Laptop – IOTW Report

Tennessee Valley Authority Indictments Were Related to Biden Crime Family & Biden Laptop

In the article we published earlier titled Evidence| Hunter Biden Companies Executed Espionage Activities For-Profit | Tore Says, we introduced you to Kerry Construction. (Kerry Construction is now called GRANITE) Another Military-Industrial Complex conglomerate with all the players needed for a perfect recipe of selling off American assets, spending American Tax Payer dollars on yachts, Island parties, and glamorous lifestyles.

This article provides the PUBLIC some situational awareness because the UNIPARTY media, the alleged insiders, have ZERO insight into what happened, is happening, and IS coming. President Trump has made it clear to all what is happening. He has been spelling it out. It turns out ALL MEDIA is not fluent in TRUTH and STRAIGHT TALK but great at getting interviews with the President and posing for photo ops while claiming to be in the know.

This report demonstrates the inner workings of this war because that is precisely what is going on right now-WAR. DEFINITIONS are essential. This revolution is different because the ENEMIES are not armed to the teeth with weapons, but they have tentacles into everyone’s homes… MORE

10 Comments on Tennessee Valley Authority Indictments Were Related to Biden Crime Family & Biden Laptop

  1. As a general statement, we need things to happen now. Before there’s no country to save. Expect them to really ratchet up gun control. Especially when they’re watching current world events. South Africa, Haiti, and Cuba all ready to X plode. And it seems to me like the media is doing their best to keep a lid on all of the above. Especially South Africa.

  2. Trump WON!Trump WON!Trump WON!Trump WON!Trump WON!Trump WON!Trump WON!Trump WON!Trump WON!Trump
    WON!Trump WON!Trump WON!Trump BidenLOST! WON!Trump WON!Trump WON!Trump WON!Trump WON!Trump WON! BidenLOST! Trump WON!
    Trump WON!Trump WON!Trump WON!Trump WON!BidenLOST!Trump WON!Trump WON!Trump WON!

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