Tensions in White House Flare As Concerns of Joe Biden’s Health Rage, Jill Biden Gets Involved – IOTW Report

Tensions in White House Flare As Concerns of Joe Biden’s Health Rage, Jill Biden Gets Involved

RedState: Joe Biden’s physical and mental decline over the last several years has been steep and impossible to ignore. If he’s not producing an endless stream of embarrassing moments while giving public speeches, he’s tripping and falling at such a high rate that his handlers have forced him to start using the short stairs on Air Force One. 

According to a new report, that decline is causing tensions to boil over inside the White House. Biden’s senior aides and Jill Biden are pushing him to pace himself, but he’s not listening. more here

26 Comments on Tensions in White House Flare As Concerns of Joe Biden’s Health Rage, Jill Biden Gets Involved

  1. He says ” I feel so much younger than my age.” How the hell does he know, he’s never been 81 before ! It’s hard for me to fathom that aides are concerned about him being up to the rigors of the job, yet THEY STILL WANT HIM TO RUN FOR 4 MORE YEARS !! You can’t make this sh*t up !

  2. Is he going to run this campaign from the WH basement or head back to Delaware? Maybe Killary should give him the phone number of the Dr. Feel Good she used back in 2016 after the 9-11 Memorial fiasco (or loan Pudding Brain the Sears Die Hard battery that shocked her back into focus).

  3. This seems like a trial balloon to float the idea that Biden can’t make campaign appearances because his wife and aides are against it. Biden could hide in the basement more credibly during the pandemic, but now he needs some sort of excuse to curtail his campaign appearances beyond the “hey, I’m old and senile, don’t you know.”

  4. “Biden’s senior aides and Jill Biden are pushing him to pace himself, but he’s not listening.”

    Pace himself?! He “works” 2 hours a day, 3 days a week, and has spent more time vacationing than he has working. If he “paced” himself any more, he would be in a nursing home. Not a bad idea.

  5. You’d think at a time they are triple vaxxing willing test subjects they’d take better care of their elder immunocompromised head of the crime family. I can see it now Biden reenacting the garden scene from Godfather with Hunters latest grandchild and flopping over dead just like Vito Corelone after the granddaughter sneezes in his face.

    I wonder how hard it would be to deep fake Biden into the scene? I would think it would get a few hits online.


  6. Surprised the Chinesium Special Sauce they pump into him daily hasn’t short-circuited what’s left of his addled brain, I gave him 6 months tops and here we are three years into this intentionally demented dumpster fire torching everything in its path. Jill should be horsewhipped for allowing this to continue.

  7. Anytime “Dr.” Jill shows up, I have only one word to describe her, skank.
    I know, I know. Name calling is a low form of discussion, but, it’s still appropriate for Mrs.Biden.


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