Term limit proposals for Illinois – IOTW Report

Term limit proposals for Illinois

BarbWire: Former Illinois governor Pat Quinn agrees with Bruce Rauner, the guy who made him a former governor, when it comes to term limits. While Rauner continues to press for term limits for state legislative and statewide offices, Quinn has launched an effort aimed at the City of Chicago’s mayor. More on those proposals later. First, a few comments on the issue itself.

Limiting the years a person can serve in important political offices isn’t new. In fact, it’s very old. When the ancient Greeks pioneered democratic government 2500 years ago, they set it up so the entire 500-man council meeting on Pnyx Hill in Athens had 500 new faces every year. That’s right — serve a one-year term and then you’re out. Their reasoning was simple — the goal was “democracy.” Here is one dictionary breaking down the word: From the Greek dēmokratia, fromdēmos ‘the people’ +-kratia ‘power, rule.’

If the people were to rule, it would not be a good idea to vest too much power in any individual, including the power to hold office for extended periods of time.  more here

6 Comments on Term limit proposals for Illinois

  1. The only thing that happens in Illinois is Chicago crime, higher taxes, failed CPS, and section 8 invading the suburbs. The rest of the state is ignored, action in Springfield is gridlock. The state will never belong to the people, term limits have no chance of being imposed. We can hope, but I’m not holding my breath.

  2. The problem isn’t just the need for term limits. There needs to be put in place something that prohibits any kind of further mingling of former politicians within our system AFTER they have left office, otherwise all they will do is continue to pollute in another venue.

    Jimmy Carter comes to mind. Obama, once he leaves office, will become more of a problem than ever – just wait.

  3. Illinois can’t even pass a budget.
    Yet the democrat controlled House and Senate has sent the Governor 400+ bills that were passed.
    If the democrats can’t pass a budget how can you do anything? For one I know they aren’t paying medical bills for retired and current state workers.

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