Terrific Anti-Mary Landrieu Ad – IOTW Report

Terrific Anti-Mary Landrieu Ad

Tweeted by Elbert Guillory

26 Comments on Terrific Anti-Mary Landrieu Ad

  1. I think it’s hilarious that here is a lifelong black Democrat, switched parties to Republican and confronts Democrats about the plantation they run.
    Yeah, all those racist Democrats became Republicans.

    Tell us another story Unk Remus.
    Why did a Democratic KKK member, ‘affectionately’ known as Sheets, hold office until 2010?
    I’ll wait.

  2. Fabulous ad-I heard this on Levin last night and he mentioned that the visuals were very potent-he wasn’t kidding.

    OpenTheDoor, ahh, what’s your problem anyway? Isn’t late better then never?

  3. It is a powerful ad – but the black community must realize that they must help themselves. Pull themselves up by their own bootstraps.

    No more dependence on the government — no matter whether their Senators are Repubs or Dems or whomever.

  4. Ouch, that’s gonna leave a mark. I hope they have enough cash to play that a few times in black demographic areas. Maybe it could help start breaking the chain that Democrats and progressives have used to hold the Black community in bondage over the last six decades.

  5. Doesn’t this commercial imply that the GOP are making promises to these people that they don’t plan to follow through on either? The problem with the “black community” is that they’re not a real community without a heavy influx of government money coming in. As shitty as the DNC treats blacks, it does support the government spigots they depend on. I don’t think there’s very many blacks around who really give a shit about their neighborhoods being nice. They just want some more free shit, yo.

  6. Great ad.
    Miss Piggy is one of the worst!

    I remember that after she was bribed to vote for Obamascare, somebody mentioned that she got $100 million.
    She actually CORRECTED them and said it was THREE hundred million.

    Reminds me of the punchline to an old joke.
    “We know what you are…now we’re just haggling over the price.”

  7. This ad should be the blue print for every single race in every single city/parish/county/state.
    Love it that this man is such a gentleman; but, does a beautiful job of making the point.

  8. God bless you Mr Guillory. And as to the comment criticizing him for having BEEN a Democrat 2 points: this AIN’T his Democrat party – that no longer exists but is Communism under new title. And philosophically, there have been plenty of abortionists who finally FINALLY understand they are killing babies after years of committing abortions. People mature. People have scales fall from their eyes. And there is nothing more zealous than a convert. And even if he WERE saying these things for his own self-interest, if it is the truth – WHICH THIS IS – then what does it matter who says it? God bless you Mr Guillory.

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