Terror on Russian Shoppers – IOTW Report

Terror on Russian Shoppers

Front Page: A Christmas season bombing of a supermarket in Russia’s second-largest city suggests that killing in the name of Islam never goes out of season.


In addition to being a time for end-of-the-year reflection, Christmas is also a popular time for Muslim terrorists to kill Christians and Jews, and sometimes, other Muslims, too.

Yuletide terrorist attacks seem to be becoming the new normal in several countries – and the Christmas season isn’t over yet in Russia. Eastern Orthodox Christians in Russia won’t celebrate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth until Sunday, Jan. 7, more than a week from now.

No one has yet claimed responsibility for the Wednesday evening bombing in Saint Petersburg that sent 10 people to the hospital, but Islamists are thought to have figured in a suicide bombing in the city’s subway system that left more than a dozen dead and 50 wounded in April.

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5 Comments on Terror on Russian Shoppers

  1. Putin encourages and supports terrorism abroad and yet stupidly thinks it won’t find its way back to Russia.
    He plays the same dangerous game with nuclear weapons and technology.

  2. Too bad for putin that all the “stan” countries are overflowing with inbred muzzies that hate his country as much as the USA.

    This is nothing new for him and I would not put it past him to unleash his military for some payback once they have some actionable intel on the perps.

    One thing is for sure, putin never had trouble telling his tank commanders to get going!

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