Terrorist won’t be honored at Puerto Rican Day parade after all – IOTW Report

Terrorist won’t be honored at Puerto Rican Day parade after all

NYPost: Former terror leader Oscar López Rivera will not be honored at this year’s Puerto Rican Day parade, after the ex-FALN chieftain decided to turn down the award in the face of a widespread parade boycott.

Organizers of the June 11 march said the freed terror boss will forgo the “National Freedom Hero” honor and instead just march as a “humble” grandfather.

“He declined the honorary title at the parade. We respect that decision,” parade spokesman Andres Chavez said.

Lopez Rivera freed the parade organizers from having to take a stand on their decision to fete him, when he announced in an op-ed column published Thursday that he no longer wants the controversial award.

“I will be on Fifth Ave. not as your honoree but as a humble Puerto Rican and grandfather who at 74 continues to be committed to helping raise awareness about the fiscal, health-care and human-rights crisis Puerto Rico is facing at this historic juncture,” López Rivera wrote in the piece.

López Rivera did not address his terrorist roots, which sparked the outcry over his involvement in the parade.  more here

6 Comments on Terrorist won’t be honored at Puerto Rican Day parade after all

  1. There’s going to be an effort made to bailout bankrupt Puerto Rico. They’re just doing public image damage control, pre-emptively. All the goldman sachs guys bought up the shorted bonds, and they’re waiting to get their windfall payback. Chicago politics in NYC.
    Screw them. No bailout.

  2. Could this really be “Suppose they have a parade and nobody comes”? Happy to read about the sponsors pulling out, but hard to believe there aren’t enough Left-Wingers in NYC to keep this parade afloat. Is there hope for NYC??

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